She dropped a bombshell at the meeting and announced that she was leaving.
Victoria Beckham showed off her new, shaggy hairstyle at the weekend which bears a striking resemblance to that of the brunette bombshell Sophia Loren.
The results of his experiment will produce a bombshell.
Then he dropped the bombshell that he was going to Rangers.
A Chilean TV bombshell has even offered to give each miner a lapdance.
Fiery red, bombshell blonde, or classic brunette -which suits you best?
In case you missed it, some bombshell news came out of the personal finance arena last week.
I think it is the right word, surprise, bombshell, astonishment, all of those things as well.
The police explode a bombshell when they arrested the old banker for stealing money from the bank.
The bombshell burst this week, in the dog days of summer, when fewer Japanese were likely to be bothered.
The speech I gave on the radio (which was reprinted in “Albanian Spring”) had the effect of a bombshell in Albania.
Of course, Stephon Marbury hasn't played any, but that "bombshell" is the exclusive property of the New York Post.
Last month, the company dropped a bombshell, announcing it might spin-off or sell its Personal Systems Group, which sells PC hardware.
IBM dropped yet another bombshell on Wall Street yesterday, warning analysts to expect at least an80% slide in second-quarter earnings.
Vachon was given a rare opportunity to photograph the blonde bombshell, who died in 1962, off-duty as she took a few days off due to the injury.
TV bombshell Sofia Vergara throws another curveball this season, abandoning spring's traditional pastels in favor of rebel red on her rounded nails.
In 2005 came another Bingham bombshell: evidence obtained by torture, no matter what the pretext, was unreliable, offensive and inadmissible in court.
Then in April Mr Rudd dropped a second bombshell by announcing that none of the bids, including that from Telstra's main rival, SingTel Optus [2], was up to scratch.
然后在4月份,陆克文抛出了第二枚炸弹,宣布包括来自澳州电信的主要竞争对手SingTel (Optus)的所有投标,没有一个达到标准。
Heigl plays blonde bombshell and troubled doctor Izzie Stevens, who accidentally killed her fiance, Denny Duquette, while trying to help him get a heart transplant.
Heigl饰演美丽动人而又麻烦一堆的金发医生Izzie Stevens。她在帮助她的未婚夫DennyDuquette偷取一颗移植用的心脏时,意外杀死了他。
And, of course, just as I decide to leave the live blogging to play a game of Left 4 Dead 2, HP drops the big bombshell right at the end of their press event: webOS is coming to PCs!
The menu is filled with modern classics, like the maple and bacon donut, as well as daring new favorites, such as the spiced Mexican chocolate and cayenne pecan "Bombshell" donut.
The statement came as something of a bombshell to the culture, sport and media select committee, which immediately announced it would be asking Murdoch to explain the contradiction.
Scientists lobbed a bombshell into the world of sub-atomic theory on Wednesday by reporting that a primary building block of the visible Universe, the proton, is smaller than previously thought.
A bombshell on capital hill as forward Congressman mark folly announces his sudden resignation in the wake of questions about suggestive emails he wrote a former teenager male congressional page.
Moodily drinking his wine he looked at his daughter and looked at his wife. several times he considered dropping the bad news in their midst like a bombshell but he didn't have that kind of courage.
Prince William dropped the bombshell that he had been carrying his mother's engagement ring around 'in my rucksack for about three weeks' before proposing to Ms. Middleton on a trip to Kenya recently.
Prince William dropped the bombshell that he had been carrying his mother's engagement ring around 'in my rucksack for about three weeks' before proposing to Ms. Middleton on a trip to Kenya recently.