When he started the project in 2010, he had just lost his job as a bond trader in Chicago and decided to shift to a completely new career.
A London-based Lehman bond trader gives an inside view of the world's largest corporate bankruptcy.
Another Swiss bank, Credit Suisse, is also in the spotlight after a bond trader left under a cloud.
Others point out that not everybody can be a bond trader, a software entrepreneur or a Harvard professor.
A former bond trader known as "the Gorilla", Fuld had been with Lehman for decades and steered it through tough times.
A bond trader may thus want to try an artistic activity, to stimulate brain cells that he or she rarely USES otherwise.
They had to deal with crises such as the failures of Drexel Burnham Lambert, which dominated the junk-bond market, and Baring Brothers, a British bank brought low by a rogue trader.
They had to deal with crises such as the failures of Drexel Burnham Lambert, which dominated the junk-bond market, and Baring Brothers, a British bank brought low by a rogue trader.