Risk aversion has sent the 10-year Treasury bond yield below 3%.
By September 2011 its ten-year bond yield had slipped below 1%.
The ten-year Treasury bond yield rose in a week from 3.83% to 4.15%.
The Italian ten-year bond yield went above 6.5%, its highest since January.
Next year, interest rates will be rising, and so will bond yield and equity returns.
The 30-year Treasury-bond yield has risen sharply from a low of 3.5% in August.
Yet investors seem sanguine: Greece’s ten-year bond yield is comfortably below 5%.
In effect, pensions are a debt like any other, and should be discounted with a bond yield.
It has held back currency appreciation and steepened the bond yield curve, supporting Banks.
After all, the Treasury-bond yield is the risk-free rate, off which other assets are priced.
When gold was at its real all-time high in 1980, the ten-year Treasury-bond yield was 10.8%.
There are two kinds of methods for deduction of zero coupon bond yield curve: direct method and indirect method.
Deficiency of market fluidity and shortage of representative bond yield are main defectiveness of Chinese bond market.
Meanwhile, accounting standards have forced company pension schemes to discount their liabilities using a corporate-bond yield.
Earlier this year, the 10-year Japanese government bond yield was in negative territory and the markets were all but frozen.
Comparing with the yield cure of the western developed countries, the level and shape of the T-bond yield of China is normal.
So it proved. The gaps between the ten-year bond yield of Germany and those of Greece, Portugal and Ireland jumped sharply this week.
Some argue that pensioners have even greater rights than bondholders and that points to using a "risk-free" rate like the Treasury-bond yield.
Companies only pay out a fraction of their earnings as dividends, so the earnings yield was then much higher than the government-bond yield.
At the ten-year level, it may seem odd that investors are willing to receive a Treasury-bond yield of just 4.1% when headline i nflation is 3.9%.
The reasoning is usually based on a discounted-cashflow model; a lower bond yield means a lower discount rate and thus a higher present value for shares.
In a general way, the T-bond yield will rise when any of the three indexes rise, while the T-bond yield will drop when all of the three indexes drop.
The 10-year bond yield has fallen from 2.65% to 2.53%. At the same time, expected inflation, as measured by the inflation-indexed bond market, has risen steadily.
The 10-year Irish bond yield pared a two-day surge of more than 1 percentage point, and the spread over German debt of similar maturity fell from yesterday's record.
One year ago we predicted that US long bond rates would rise. This is exactly what happened and the 30 year Treasury Bond yield went from 2.5% to 4.6% during the year.
The maturity of various credit rating bond is more abundance will help to build up a rational corporate bond yield curve, and provide pricing benchmark for secondary market circulation.
Finally the paper discusses about how to use the model to make quantitative analysis, and how to reduce the risk of information asymmetry, so as to make a good management on bond yield.
Veteran investors may recall 1962, when the Treasury-bond yield was less than 4%. Those who bought bonds then earned negative real returns over the succeeding five-, ten- and 20-year periods.
But Portugal paid a heavy price to make them so appealing; the yield on the June 2020 bond was a whopping 6.7%.
But Portugal paid a heavy price to make them so appealing; the yield on the June 2020 bond was a whopping 6.7%.