Vitamin D, or calciferol, is another fat soluble steroid vitamin which functions to stimulate calcium uptake from the gut and its deposition in bone.
Vitamin D, or calciferol, is another fat-soluble steroid vitamin that functions to stimulate calcium uptake from the gut and its deposition in bone.
The researchers measured people's weight after two years, and also other factors such as cholesterol levels, blood pressure, bone strength, and body fat percentage.
We have what are called mesenchymal stem cells. This type of stem cell goes on to become either fat or bone.
We knew that muscle and fat played a role in metabolism, but we didn't think of bone as a true metabolic organ.
It has long been known that the amount of muscle in the body is related to bone growth, but the new study shows that fat mass is also important in building bone, particularly in girls.
Don't add extra water during stewing bone soup. It will coagulate protein and fat when temperature being suddenly dropped, which damages its nutruition.
Various physical changes are possible, including increased body fat; reduced muscle bulk, strength and endurance; and decreased bone density.
A huge butcher block was used to trim fat from the federal budget, which was sometimes cut to the bone.
The logic for a tax on fattening food may seem obvious. About one-third of Americans are obese, up from 15% in 1980. Fat people are more prone to heart disease, diabetes, bone disorders and cancer.
Cytori's are unlikely to ever show that range of differentiation. But they can differentiate into fat, bone, and muscle-among other tissues-depending on which signaling molecules they are exposed to.
Cadbury is no sluggish layabout: under its current management it has slimmed, offshored and become lean and mean, so swingeing cuts will take out bone, not fat.
There is roughly one adipose stem cell per 100 fat cells. (By comparison, bone marrow contains one per 250, 000 to 400, 000 cells.)
Your baby will gain a good deal of weight this week as her body fills out with muscle bone mass fat and organ tissue.
Your baby will gain a good deal of weight this week as her body fills out with muscle, bone mass, fat and organ tissue.
As Texas already runs a tight ship, in keeping with its low-tax, low-spend philosophy, this means cutting to the bone rather than trimming fat.
Hope is always more expect, engrave a bone is a fat lot looked, clear can touch, just don't know where end is.
Hope is always more expect, engrave a bone is a fat lot looked Clear can touch, just don t know where end is.
Mesenchymal stem cells can differentiate into bone, cartilage or fat cells.
The maximum period of nerve and bone growth precedes that of muscle and fat for rather obvious reasons.
"Weight" is not the same as "fat." Weight includes muscle, bone, internal organs as well as lots and lots of water.
The imaging tests confirmed that bone mass and not fat was most strongly correlated with wrist size.
We would line up at the canteen to buy a cheap plate of oily lotus root and "meat" that appeared to be just chunks of bone and fat.
In fact the difference in how efficiently their bodies convert feed into meat, fat, bone and hide might be surprising.
Wrist circumference was calculated using a cloth tape measure, and 51 of the children also underwent imaging tests to precisely measure wrist bone vs. wrist fat.
A mouse study found that endurance exercise influenced mesenchymal stem cells to turn into bone rather than into fat cells, leading to more oxygen carrying capacity and better immune function.
A pound of ground or boneless meat will make more servings than a pound with a lot of bone or fat.
A pound of ground or boneless meat will make more servings than a pound with a lot of bone or fat.