I am so sorry for that, was your bone broken? B: Yes, that is why I stayed in hospital for 2 weeks.
She walked to the local grocery store to buy broken biscuits which were much cheaper and to get a free bone for her much loved dog.
The most common type of fracture in these circumstances is known as a Colles fracture, where a fragment of bone is broken off the end of the radius and pushed backwards.
Osteoporosis causes dramatic thinning of the bone, resulting in weak, brittle bones that can easily be broken.
And if you hurt yourself, billions more cells spring up to repair broken blood vessels and make new skin, muscle or even bone.
Your bones are continuously changing - new bone is made and old bone is broken down.
The thing is, at least I can''t get another injury now ? David Beckham looks on the bright side after a broken metatarsal bone leaves him fighting to be fit for the FIFA World Cup.
Our skeletons are continually being broken down and rebuilt through a mechanism known as bone remodeling.
If further testing confirms this, it means that, as the broken bone heals, the glue will disappear naturally. Complex fractures will thus heal more easily.
Imagine toothache or a broken bone or a migraine spread throughout your body. You know it's in your head, but it's still very real, and you can't get away from it.
Bone: this is a living tissue that is constantly broken down and reassembled, especially during growth and healing of broken bones.
The team found that two of the wing bones showed evidence of combat, including a fractured hand bone and a centimeter-thick upper arm bone that was broken in half.
Another reason why some older people shrink is because of osteoporosis (say: oss-tee-oh-puh - ro -sis). Osteoporosis occurs when bone is broken down and not enough new bone material is made.
另一个为什么一些老年人会变矮的原因是骨质疏松症(说:oss- tee - oh - puh -ro -sis)骨质疏松症发生于当骨头被打破而却没有足够的新骨头原料来制造的时候。
Yao's parents were concerned enough about his welfare that they did not want him to attempt a return to the NBA after the broken bone in his foot that was suffered in the playoffs of May 2009.
Pig valve broken rear foot with a knife, and then every 1 cm bone Hengkan to blow off even the skin.
The broken bone was speckled with brown blood, but still he lurched forward, reaching for Young Griff.
Experts from Sydney's Garvan Institute say having a bone density test isn't enough to predict who will have another broken bone as more than half of those who have an injury don't have osteoporosis.
Last night, he was taken to nearby St. Thomas Hospital, and doctors treated him for six broken ribs and a broken collar bone.
An injury to underlying tissues or bone in which the skin is not broken, often characterized by ruptured blood vessels and discolorations.
Paul Hamm, the reigning Olympic champion in the all-around, had not healed in time from broken bone in his right hand.
Smalling has started training after suffering a broken bone in his foot and Ferguson expects the England international to be available for Saturday's Premier League encounter with Newcastle United.
The thing is, at least I can't get another injury now ? David Beckham looks on the bright side after a broken metatarsal bone leaves him fighting to be fit for the FIFA World Cup.
When used, the left-hand tap is put into a drill hole of a drilled broken bone, and then operated by a left hand to make left-hand internal threads.
Treatment depends on the kind of fracture. A doctor takes X-rays to see the bread and sets a broken bone to make sure it is in the correct position.
During resorption, old bone tissue is broken down and removed by special cells called osteoclasts.
Remember that you're recovering from an injury. Give your nerve the chance to rest and heal just as you would if it were a broken bone.
If such bone is eaten its structure is broken down and the radicals react as previously mentioned and so disappear.
If such bone is eaten its structure is broken down and the radicals react as previously mentioned and so disappear.