In the United States, the venerable 'boob tube' has all but disappeared from offices, living rooms, and retail shelves.
The sooner the kid learns the word the more effectively he can remind — or nag — his mother to turn on the boob tube.
Doctors and researchers are starting to warn viewers about the potential dangers of spending too much time in front of a 3d boob tube.
InBrazil, television was introduced sequentially province by province, and ineach new region the boob tube reached, birth rates plummeted soon after.(Discuss
在巴西,电视机逐步被推广到各个省份。 电视机每到达一个地区,这一地区的出生率就会随即大幅下滑。
In this scenario, even the happiest campers could turn into Debbie-downers if they continue to stare at the boob-tube.
In this scenario, even the happiest campers could turn into Debbie-downers if they continue to stare at the boob-tube.