However, Mr Kamkar found a way to booby-trap a webpage via a browser so the request for the ID information looks like it is coming from the PC on which that page is being viewed.
We sometimes use this analogy of a kid's game called 'booby trap' where you have a bunch of little blocks and there's a spring piston and it pushes on them.
The boy was unarmed and wore no helmet so he may well have coming in to surrender when he set off the booby trap.
It now dawned on Harry, however, that the cup of cold tea on which he had trodden that morning might not have been a booby trap at all.
Entering through a window to avoid the likely booby trap, they approached the front door from inside and found attached to it the expected explosive charge set to go off when the door was moved.
A "booby trap" is a mechanism that prevents a person from reaching a treasure and can also cause bodily harm.
A "booby trap" is a mechanism that prevents a person from reaching a treasure and can also cause bodily harm.