I didn't know that I could ask a professor to put a book on reserve.
Putting the "reserve" or "book now" button on the top right is common for hotel websites.
If there was one place Stephen Moss, author of the Bumper Book of nature, could go this May bank holiday, it would be Minsmere, the RSPB's flagship nature reserve on the Suffolk coast.
The Federal Reserve observed a modest rise in economic activity in June and the first half of July in its beige book report on the American economy.
Why not / Why don’t you book tickets online / reserve the ticket(s) on the Internet?
Members of the New York Public library can reserve a book through its website or, alternatively, click through to buy it from an on-line retailer, and the library gets a cut.
Members of the New York Public library can reserve a book through its website or, alternatively, click through to buy it from an on-line retailer, and the library gets a cut.