How often have you queued for what seems like hours at the booking office before you can get a train ticket?
That's a good news. But that does not mean I could get the ticket from the booking office of the railway station.
I've been trying to get through to the booking office for the last ten minutes. But the line has been engaged all the time.
The booking office is located in the right side of the waiting room, which establishes three guichets, at each guichet you can purchase the ticket of all the number of runs.
There was no-one on the platform apart from a ticket collector and, at the other end of the platform, a young man sitting at the window of the booking office, reading a newspaper.
Despite the fact that many fans have waited outside the gate of the booking office, many of them will still be told that the tickets are available only to the first 100 people free of charge.
尽管许多粉丝 在售票厅前等了很久,但他们中的绝大部分仍将被告知只有前 100人能免费拿到门票。
Then, he can then continue with the previous flight booking process he had started before the customer came into the office.
Communicatethe processes to follow in terms of booking quality and correct data input intothe PMS, toward the reservation and front office team;
Communicatethe processes to follow in terms of booking quality and correct data input intothe PMS, toward the reservation and front office team;