Listing 2 is the bookmarklet code, nicely formatted.
Saudio-videoe any page as a PDF with this bookmarklet.
The actual bookmarklet is Listing 1 all on one line, with all spaces removed.
实际的bookmarklet是清单1 所示的代码除去所有空格后,全部放于一行之内。
You can also invoke such services with a bookmarklet, but it's a good deal more difficult.
site encourages users to add to their bookmarks toolbar. Listing 1 is a form of the bookmarklet, with whitespace added.
If you select a username with your cursor and click the bookmarklet it'll take you to the browser with that user's stuff.
After the bookmarklet is installed you can go to any arbitrary page, select some text and then click the button in the toolbar.
Invoking the bookmarklet on any page that has links to MP3 files exposes a little arrow that can be clicked to listen to the MP3.
在有MP3链接的页面,使用 boomarklet 时,将显示一个箭头,点击可以听 MP3。
The term "bookmarklet" follows this convention, suggesting the advanced functionality available within the bounds of a bookmark, or link.
术语“bookmarklet ”也遵从了这类约定,展示了在书签范围内或链接范围内可用的高级功能性。
The bookmarklet allows you to inject jQuery into any existing page, so the power of jQuery can easily be used within the Firebug console.
The next example is a more sophisticated bookmarklet I created to provide easy access to the IBM developerWorks search engine from any other page.
Posterous, though, puts a stronger emphasis on sharing content from other sites, especially since the service introduced its bookmarklet in February.
The getting started page recommends either adding an MP3 URL (no uploading directly to the service allowed) or dragging the ffffoundtape bookmarklet to your bookmarks bar.
登录后的起始页面提示,可添加MP 3网址(该服务不支持直接上传),或者把ffffoundtape的bookmarklet拖放到书签栏。
If you look to the left of the prompt dialog box, you can see the bookmarklet in the toolbar, as well as a toolbar entry I have for filing my other often-used bookmarklets.
If you place such a bookmarklet as a button in your browser's bookmarks toolbar, then from any page on the Web, you can click the button to submit the page to the link site.
In effect you can use a bookmarklet to add features to your browser itself with a minimum of programming, or none at all, if someone else has already written a bookmarklet to meet your need.
The site also provides a bookmarklet, which is handy as it’s much easier to just hit a button rather than having to go to the site and paste in the URL of the article you want made into a PDF.
The site also provides a bookmarklet, which is handy as it’s much easier to just hit a button rather than having to go to the site and paste in the URL of the article you want made into a PDF.