Prior to boom period, usually there is a period of low interest rates, which is the precondition for the economy to cycle to boom.
Before the economic boom, there is usually a low-interest-rate period, which is also a prerequisite for the economy to boom periodically.
On the other hand, if the media starts talking about a boom period, everyone would hop on board and there actually would be a boom period.
Over the boom period, we've been seeing a gradual uptrend; just as loan to value ratios were only 60% in the 1920s, now they're up to 90% or 100%.
These dislocations are at the root of the eventual credit crisis, which follows the boom period that was caused by artificially low interest rates.
Tramp rates fluctuate with market conditions of supply and demand. In a boom period, the tramp rates rise; in a period of recession, they decline.
International capital costs will therefore be higher and investment rates lower over the next several years when compared with the pre-crisis boom period.
In other words, bank-credit expansion during the boom period encourages entrepreneurs to act as if savings had increased when in fact this is not the case.
Before economic boom, there is usually a period of low interest rate, which is a prerequisite for economy to turn for prosperity.
Added to the mediocrity and ineptitude of our ruling class there was an oil boom, which has produced an unparalleled period of decadence and decline.
As chancellor he claimed not only to have done away with "boom and bust", but also to have presided over the longest period of sustained growth since 1701.
The system worked well for more than two decades, helped by the postwar economic boom, particularly in Germany and Japan which began the period with undervalued exchange rates.
In the Amazon, most are descended from groups who escaped the depradations of the rubber boom, a period of barbarous development that began in the late 19th century and continued well into the 20th.
Finally, getting it right to keep inflation low, keep that boom-bust cycle from coming back like it did, and you don't have to go, even go back so far period.
After a brief period of profitability in the late 1990s during the dotcom boom, it again began to make losses.
While middle-class incomes are stagnating, the period since the end of the Great Recession has been a boom time for the very rich and the businesses that cater to them.
We can and do say that if we don't achieve this goal over any reasonable period excluding an extensive speculative boom, we will cease operation.
When the housing boom came to an end, building cost inflation came down and growth in rents was subdued for a few years. These outcomes helped hold down overall inflation rates during this period.
The handicraft draws the cloth of various topic up the oil painting, plank over a long period of time up oil painting, several nations of the boom Europe, American etc. and region.
Tang Dynasty was a period of full boom of the chant poems on chivalry.
Tang Dynasty was a period of full boom of the chant poems on chivalry.