Treehotel, Boreal forest, near Lule?, Lapland, Sweden
瑞典 拉普兰德 吕勒奥附近博雷尔森林中的树上旅馆
The largest wilderness area is the Boreal Forest.
Boreal forest is located primarily in Canada, Russia, and Alaska.
The boreal forest needs fire to maintain the ecosystem, and large fires happen regularly in the summer.
World forest Ecosystem includes tropical, subtropical, temperate, and boreal forests as well as other woodland.
The boreal forest will creep northwards, for example, as the permafrost thaws and carbon fertilisation increases.
Jack pines cross the boreal forest of northern Canada, stretching all the way to the East Coast and down into the United States.
Even if it takes a while to make it to the East Coast, the beetle's spread through the boreal forest can cause its own problems.
About a third of the ring is in Canada, which has some 570 million hectares (1.4 billion acres) of boreal forest: only Russia boasts more.
Greenhouse gas emissions of tar sands crude are 40% higher than conventional oil, and the open-pit mining has devastated Alberta's boreal forest.
The region is characterized by its spectacular geography and natural beauty including the Boreal Forest, the Prairies and the Northern Lights.
Most of this pulp comes from the Canadian Boreal forest, which makes up 25 percent of the remaining ancient forests left in the world, she said.
Four-fifths of Canadian boreal forest products are consumed in the United States, and most of the purchasers there had given little thought to their paper’s origins.
Some scientists say it is inevitable that the tree-killing insect will spread all the way east via a corridor of jack pines across northern Canada's boreal forest.
Some scientists say it is inevitable that the tree-killing insect will spread all the way east via a corridor of jack pines across northern Canada's boreal forest.
Alarmed by their bad press, Canadian timber companies announced in May this year that they would work with greens to improve the management of 72m hectares of boreal forest.
To dig it up and refine it is a process far higher in emissions than the processing of Saudi Arabian oil, and is destroying much of Alberta's northern Boreal forest along the way.
Simulated the impacts of global climate change on the biomass, productivity, and carbon sink capacity of Chinese boreal forest based on the predicted results of global change.
The boreal forest plays a crucial role in the global carbon budget and climatic system because of its large area, great soil carbon storage, and sensitive responses to the global warming.
The boreal forest plays a crucial role in the global carbon budget and climatic system because of its large area, great soil carbon storage, and sensitive responses to the global warming.