Iconoclasts, either because they were born that way or through learning, have found ways to work around the perceptual shortcuts that plague most people.
There are many seemingly "natural" leaders, but almost none of those would say that they were born that way.
I have been accused of being obsessively neat, and sometimes I wonder if he mimics me or if he was born that way, too.
There is little difference in appearance between the person who is born that way and the person who is now being altered.
But in some people, there's an imbalance — the orbital cortex isn't doing its job — perhaps because the person had a brain injury or was born that way.
For some are eunuchs because they were born that way; others were made that way by men; and others have renounced marriage [3] because of the kingdom of heaven.
It has been estimated that up to 10 percent of the world's population are left-handers and even now, many are still discriminated in society for being born that way.
Never to feel real love, to try and fake it by marrying a woman if you're a gay man, and live an entire life alone and without love because God made you born that way!
But the field of neuroeconomics was born out of the realization that the physical workings of the brain place limitations on the way we make decisions.
That’s the only way they could know about the prediction that a Messiah, a Savior, the Christ would be born.
That's the only way they could know about the prediction that a Messiah, a Savior, the Christ would be born.
Some experts think that wisdom teeth and the appendix may be slowly on their way out — some people are already born without them — since they do sometimes cause life-threatening infections.
But then a marketing manager discovered that the best way to get some furniture back into a lorry, after a photo-shoot, was to take its legs off, and a new business model was born.
Her new album cover depicts her as half-woman and half-motorbike, and claims that she was “Born this Way”.
Footage of a chimpanzee being born has shown that the animals give birth in a way that was thought to be unique to humans.
Albert Camus, the Nobel prize-winning novelist who was born and educated in French Algeria, wrote in 1955 that he was "hurting about Algeria the way others hurt in their lungs".
But he was saying, don't kill me because it's not my fault that I was born this way.
I used to complain that God was not fair to me to let me be born into a poor farmer's family, but now I will not think that way.
Flowers may once have been born to blush unseen, but that is obviously not a 21st-century way of doing business.
Nor could "50 million" different hairstyles-black wigs, blonde dyes, hair extensions-do much to improve the face that stared at her out of the tabloids. It was "just the way I was born".
也不管她用了“ 5千万”种不同的发形-黑的假发,染的棕发,拉的直发-去改进她的脸型以避免那些小报记者只注意她那“与生俱来”有些许暇疵的脸。
Healthy mice have been born this way, and Loring believes that, in time, the techniques will be made to work with other animals.
The youngest known neutron star in the Milky Way, Cas a was born in a supernova explosion that astronomers may have spotted 330 years ago.
作为银河系中已知的最年轻的中子星,Cas a诞生于330年前天文学家可能观测到的一次超新星爆发中。
The nature-versus-nurture debate clearly was part of the intellectual climate of that time and remains an interesting question – how much we are born a certain way, as a species and as individuals.
A born diplomat, you dislike discord so much that you will go out of your way to make others feel comfortable and at ease.
Her rise, as she once described the star-is-born press coverage that greeted her maiden speech in commons, was “roses, roses all the way.”
Fights its way out since the moment it is born can be called "strong 'and" tenacious "; only the grass that."
Fights its way out since the moment it is born can be called "strong 'and" tenacious "; only the grass that."