The circulation desk on the left of the main entrance is a place to borrow and return books from general stacks.
While the readers interview the system through the browser, they can easily search for a book or borrow and return a book etc.
Bike sharing allows people to borrow a bike from one place and return it at another place easily.
As the saying goes, has borrow has also, again borrow is not difficult, which suggest us keep good credit and return fund in time, and then borrow money from friends would not hurt friendship.
All financial group and big enterprise in status of bankrupted or going to be closed are because of only borrow but return, so financial storm come to be their funeral.
I get annoyed when classmates borrow my eraser and don't return it.
The system's functions consist of add new book, delete old book, borrow book, return book, book catalog searching and fuzzy reader searching, etc.
The purpose of this project is to design a library management system, library information can be entered, and books can be entered to find and delete, and allows borrow, return books.
But he also says Americans cannot return to a "borrow-and spend economy."
On the one hand is the books borrows, mainly includes the books to borrow and to return.
After the implementation of the project, to improve the library to borrow books, the return process and enhance efficiency.
Self-help borrowing and returning books system is a self-service mode that allows readers to use the machine to borrow or return books of the library.
A successful library management system should provide rapid information retrieval library features, fast and borrow books and return process.
A successful library management system should provide rapid information retrieval library features, fast and borrow books and return process.