Two big negatives were identified: Job losses and, for many borrowers, a sharply reduced ability to use home-equity loans to pay off more expensive card balances.
In the current recession some borrowers have given priority to their credit-card and car loans rather than their mortgages.
Before this regulation took effect, many people's priorities would have been mortgage first, credit card second; now, many borrowers have reversed the order.
The US financial crisis is spreading from subprime borrowers to wealthier consumers, with evidence mounting that more affluent people are failing to pay their mortgages and credit card balances.
Credit-card use expanded rapidly, and technological innovations gave more consumers access to credit, including subprime borrowers.
PartnersFirst mainly makes money from the interest it charges borrowers, whereas most credit-card companies also rake in huge fees.
American Express co., the biggest credit-card issuer by purchases, said second-quarter profit tripled as consumers spent more and fewer borrowers defaulted.
美国最大的信用卡发行商美国运通(American Express)宣布其第二季度利润同比翻三倍,原因是消费者信用卡开支增加,借款人拖欠减少。
Credit losses in Citi's huge card business are likely to pass the peaks of previous cycles, in part because it has taken on more subprime borrowers in recent years.
But card issuers look at cash flow rather than asset values, so falling house prices do not necessarily trigger a change in borrowers' creditworthiness. They may even work to issuers' advantage.
The industry was built around connecting borrowers with lenders online, at agreed terms, without involving a bank or credit card company.
The industry was built around connecting borrowers with lenders online, at agreed terms, without involving a bank or credit card company.