The cost of borrowing has been excluded from the inflation figures.
That huge demand for U.S. debt, in turn, helped to fuel the U.S. 's housing and credit booms by keeping the cost of borrowing at unusually low levels.
BNY Mellon pointed out that Portugal had come under pressure on the markets this week, with the cost of its borrowing rising.
But the Tories say that failing to grapple with the spiralling public debt is itself risky: investors could lose confidence and push up the cost of borrowing.
Normally regulators are not concerned with the pricing of internal transfers, but for Banks the cost of borrowing is inextricably tied to the riskiness of the loan.
The central bank’s decision to raise the cost of borrowing earlier this year was daft.
Spain, by contrast, has seen its borrowing cost shoot up in recent weeks, reflecting growing fears of a possible future default.
Meanwhile Italy’s cost of borrowing, which now falls when Mr Berlusconi wobbles and rises when he looks more secure, has reached levels that point towards sovereign default.
The notional cost of Irish borrowing shot to disturbingly high levels on Wednesday.
As the cost of borrowing rises, individual mortgages, car loans and student loans could become significantly more expensive.
What makes default unpalatable is the fear of contagion—that if Greece were allowed to go under, the cost of borrowing for other troubled euro members would shoot up.
When household balance sheets are damaged by falling house prices and confidence is low, consumers may start repaying their debts regardless of the cost of borrowing.
Meanwhile Italy's cost of borrowing, which now falls when Mr Berlusconi wobbles and rises when he looks more secure, has reached levels that point towards sovereign default.
So one possible discount rate is the state's cost of borrowing, the yield on its municipal bonds.
If they accept some risk, the price of financing facilities drops, but total spend is uncapped; if utility firms carry all the risk, the cost of borrowing will rise.
More worrying for Greece even than the rising cost of borrowing is that it may soon find its bonds are not accepted as collateral by the European Central Bank (ECB).
The most obvious way for the Fed to help is to lower the federal funds rate target, which sets the cost of borrowing, from its level of 2%.
But as long as deposit rates rise in tandem with borrowing costs, the cost of a percentage point rise in rates would be less than 0.3% of incomes.
A sharp fall in the dollar could spook foreign creditors of the U.S., potentially raising the U.S. cost of borrowing.
But if Portugal is to refinance its existing debts at tolerable interest rates, it needs a lower cost of public borrowing.
They all offer a much lower interest rate than Greece's current 15%-25% cost of borrowing in financial markets.
所有这些选择方案都提供了比希腊目前在金融市场借贷成本低得多的利率。希腊目前的借贷成本为15% - 25%。
China's central bank increased the cost of borrowing late Tuesday, ahead of releasing inflation figures for September.
Such a move is likely to prompt a big jump in the cost of borrowing for the US.
This means that Greece's cost of borrowing will increase sharply because investors will have to pay much more to insure the debt against default.
That reduced the effective burden of the South American country's debt by around 15% at little cost: soon afterwards it was borrowing again in international markets.
That reduced the effective burden of the South American country's debt by around 15% at little cost: soon afterwards it was borrowing again in international markets.