Both the strength and continued value of Snow's analysis lies in his advocacy that all societies, both rich and poor, should recognise and accept science as an important strand of their culture.
Repeated surveys in rich and poor countries alike, they claim, show that people appreciate both the autonomy and the breadth of opportunity that the model gives them.
Both the gap between rich and poor countries and the number of people living on fragile lands have doubled in the past 40 years.
Averaging 130 national scores, the report found that girls and women have reached near-parity with their male peers in educational attainment, health and survival, in both rich and poor countries.
They’ve both experienced sustained economic growth over the past few years and begun to tackle the big gaps between rich and poor while laying out ambitious plans for the future.
The footage of disintegrating churches, ruined public buildings, shabby homes and bumpy roads leaves the viewer in no doubt of both the region's rich heritage and its dirt-poor present.
India is now both rich and poor, and this is the way it is likely to stay.
The evidence that the rich have done best is certainly compelling. Inequality has risen in both rich and poor countries.
The attitudes of both rich and poor are influenced by who runs the fund and for whom it speaks.
He who oppresses the poor to increase his wealth and he who gives gifts to the rich-both come to poverty. Sayings of the wise.
Soil erosion threatens the productivity of land in both rich and poor countries.
Using an average is also problematic as the very poor and the very rich skew it on both ends.
The map shows the various distribution of DM including both rich and poor countries.
The tulip stock market crashed in 1637 because everyone, both rich and poor, was growing tulips and, of course, they lost their unique value.
Using polling data from both rich and poor countries, the researchers found personal satisfaction to be highest among people living in the richest countries.
We can argue all day about where to draw the line and say to rich and poor: you cannot make this deal, even if it benefits both of you.
On the next afternoon, the people of Yap Yap, both rich and poor, were called into the palace courtyard to decide an important matter.
Social welfare seeks to enhance the social functioning of all age groups, both rich and poor.
The Virginia jurisdiction has had remarkable success educating both rich and poor students by decentralizing the education of students with disabilities and letting schools choose demanding programs.
more girls will be born in the future because today's women, in both rich and poor countries, suffer from increasing pressure.
more girls will be born in the future because today's women, in both rich and poor countries, suffer from increasing pressure.