What we should do is just buy a sports bottle and fill it up with filter water from our faucet or our refrigerator.
I picked up my bottle and glass and went down on the stool to his left.
You run into the grocery store to pick up one bottle of water.
He got up to get some hot water but found there was little left in the bottle.
In the fleeting glimpse before the car started up, Martin noted the overcoat pockets, one bulging with books, the other bulging with a quart bottle of whiskey.
I get glimpses of those moments captured in my head and I want to bottle them up and have every single moment look like that.
Under the ruse of giving an academic lecture, I was trying to put myself in a bottle that would one day wash up on the beach for my children.
But if you want to really indulge, sign up for the Wine, Cheese and Chocolate Sensation experience. The ultimate accompaniments to a good bottle of vino.
She took an exit ramp and stopped, and when he pulled up behind her, she got out of her car to yell at him, shaking a glass Perrier bottle in her hand.
In fact, it can require up to an entire vine to produce a single bottle of wine.
Toxins are filtered by the clay and the resultant water ends up being cleaner than the average bottle of water.
Well break out your razor, fire up the grill and crack open a bottle of steak sauce because today’s two stars from The Expendables are as macho as they come.
Yet, when she turned up she came laden with gifts – thank you card, flowers, a bottle of wine and something for dessert!
The space monkeys wait in quiet while I make my sandwich and take another bottle of vodka and go up the stairs.
At regular intervals, a bottle is dug up, and the sand-seed mix is transferred into a shallow tray of soil and watered.
And, since a bottle was just $15, I took one home, signing up for Bottlerocket’s mailing list to score an extra 10 percent discount.
Up in our bedroom I unpack a bottle of Scotch. (After many muggings by minibar, I always take my own.)
With thoughts of separation and reconstitution he shook the bottle up like juice.
She survives because, as well as the bottle of agricultural fertiliser she swallowed, she drank one of washing-up liquid, thinking that any chemical in a bottle was poison.
There's the small corner store, just a quick bike ride down one street and up another, where I can get an ice-cold soda in a glass bottle with the red metal cap.
In the right environment, oil in an opened bottle stays fresh and antioxidant rich for up to a year.
This doesn't mean you can wake up your sleepy infant with a bottle of latte.
He rummages around in the kitchen a while and then cames back to the studio with a bottle of Anjou. I have to sit up and down a glass with him.
I simply felt less confident -and thus when we walked by a shop and I spied a bottle of a cologne I had considered in the past in the window, I wound up purchasing it.
Support was also very important because, everytime she had to breast pump, her mother would pick up her bottle at work to give to the baby.
While you don't want to bottle up your feelings until you go postal one day, you don't have to approach everything negatively.
Do you recall how he said the Yankee fleet could bottle us up so tightly we could not ship out our cotton?
Her iconic make-up packaging and fragrance bottle design have even become collectors' items.
Her iconic make-up packaging and fragrance bottle design have even become collectors' items.