Low-pressure areas are free to chase one another eastward around the bottom of the planet like a howling dog in pursuit of its tail.
The bottom line is with enough force a dog can be trained to do almost anything.
A wet towel does more good on the bottom of your dog than when laid on the top of its coat.
Low-pressure areas are free to chase one another eastward around the bottom of the planet like a howling dog in pursuit of its tail.
The team of dog and handler start at a post at the bottom of the trials field. the sheep are released at the top.
With that, a scoop of French fries, dripping grease, would be flung into the bottom of a plain brown paper bag, a quickly wrapped hot dog would be unceremoniously flung directly on top.
The dog is uneven, angrily bit rabbits, for this was sent in second from the bottom.
The dog is uneven, angrily bit rabbits, for this was sent in second from the bottom.