It has helped to boost usage with differential pricing: tickets bought for cash cost a lot more than using a smart card.
We used to pay with cash for everything we bought.
With the cash from his mother, he bought a couple of plastic molding machines and started making channel-changing knobs for black-and-white televisions.
Adjusted for Microsoft's cash hoard, the two estimate they bought shares for seven times Microsoft's operating earnings.
The price of an article bought in this way is always higher than the price that would be paid by cash. There is a charge for interest.
They rented rather than bought their homes or took out triple mortgages to get cash flow for their start-ups.
We received cash, hams, turkeys, and countless boxes of candy. Wanda bought a few presents for the children. Most important, the entire family was together.
We have changed all the USD in to RMB this week, and bought one cash cheque as well as one cheque for transfer. In addition, withdrew RMB 5000 for office expenses.
We have changed all the USD in to RMB this week, and bought one cash cheque as well as one cheque for transfer. In addition, withdrew RMB 5000 for office expenses.