The coach teaches me to bounce the ball when it goes high.
Bounce the ball a few times, bring your hands together, and then come to the set position.
Sometimes I play to depend on, I'll hit the ground bounce the ball to the mother, so funny!
Add to what they say and bounce the ball back. This is how to have smooth first date conversation.
Also, you can modify the objects in other ways, the next example scales the ball so that it looks squashed at the bottom of each bounce.
Wayne Rooney's new strike partner took his time to get into the match and there were moments in the first half when the ball would bounce back off his knee and his passing could be erratic.
And I'm going to bounce this ball, and I want you to look at it and tell me what you think is the source of that energy.
I will first bounce the ping-pong ball off the bowling ball... the billiard ball.
Ball physics have been redone from scratch this go round so the ball will spin, bounce and generally move how it should.
I take the ball, I pass it under one foot, and then the other, I pick it up, bounce it, in short, I amuse myself with the ball.
You must hit the ball before it reaches its highest point after bounce. You should learn to use short and quick strokes with little backswing.
As the bounce of the ball decreases in the height per contact with the ground so does it's!
For example, a bouncing ball tends to have a lot of ease in and out when at the top of its bounce.
The moment you relax or take your attention away from keeping it submerged, the ball will bounce back up and splash water in your face.
Shaking the phone or touch screen will pop a Crystal Ball. The Crystal Balls can scroll, move or bounce on the screen of the mobile phone.
The relationship between the instant speed of swing during smash and the bounce distance of the ball hit were studied by experiment.
For example a bouncing ball tends to have a lot of ease in and out when at the top of its bounce.
The beginning 3d animator will want to focus on basic objects first: how to make a ball move from one place to another, and how to make it bounce.
The ball won't always bounce the way we want it to, but every player can control their level of effort.
Before you try to hit a moving golf ball, learn to bounce it on your wedge first. Be creative and try doing tricks with the ball. All if this will improve your coordination.
He had the shot covered, one knee on the floor and body behind the ball in textbook fashion, yet he simply allowed it to bounce off his gloves and spin behind him.
格林单膝叩地,以教科书般的姿势迎接来球,却偏偏让球弹过手套,旋进球门。 郁闷之极的场面,郁闷之极的格林。
The results showed that there was close relation between the two variables of swing speed and the bounce distance of the ball.
The ball must then hit any part of the table on the server's side, bounce over the net and hit any part of the table on the receiver's side.
Second, when the bounce goes below a certain height, the ball is re-energized and flinged back in to the air.
And you 're keeping all of these in the air. You will soon understand that work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back.
And you're keeping all of these in the air. You will soon understand that work is rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back.
And you're keeping all of these in the air. You will soon understand that work is rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back.