It's a bouncy castle with slats in the side to allow the air to escape.
Clear a bouncy castle round when bouncing off the castle floor fewer than 6 times.
Actually, program is a shell for freely distributed encryption library from Legion of the Bouncy Castle.
Clear a bouncy castle round when bouncing off the castle floor fewer than 6 times. You should play Bassketball!
The KerberosKey class in Listing 11 contains all the necessary import statements that you need to use Bouncy Castle classes in the Kerberos client.
清单11 中的KerberosKey类包含在Kerberos 类中使用Bouncy Castle类时需要的所有import语句。
That leaves developers to rely on third-party libraries (such as the Bouncy Castle lightweight cryptography package) to support secure XML in MIDP applications.
这使得开发人员只能依靠第三方库(如Bouncy Castle轻量级密码术包)以在MIDP 应用程序中支持安全XML。
You will need to download the Bouncy Castle classes (see Resources for a link) in order to use this article's sample code in accordance with its accompanying setup instructions.
您将需要下载Bouncy Castle类(链接请参阅 参考资料)并遵照它所附带的设置指示才能使用本文的示例代码。
You will need to download the Bouncy Castle classes (see Resources for a link) in order to use this article's sample code in accordance with its accompanying setup instructions.
您将需要下载Bouncy Castle类(链接请参阅 参考资料)并遵照它所附带的设置指示才能使用本文的示例代码。