Chapter 2 defines verbs bound with adverbial from a new view by use of the concept of bound form and free form and proposes a practical method to test verbs bound with adverbial.
One of the fundamental building blocks of matter, called quarks, are bound together by gluons to form 'composite' subatomic particles such as protons and neutrons.
These each take the form of a type parameter name followed by the field descriptors for the class bound and interface bounds (if any) of the type.
Now, the LCROSS observations provide a handy explanation for the hydrogen: it's bound with oxygen to form water.
The highlighted Refs column next to each element indicates the element is bound to an entry field on the form and the number shows how many times the element is referred to.
All drop-down lists, grid views, and form fields are bound to the business objects.
Part of that evidence comes from its density and part from hundreds of chunks of rock, in the form of meteorites, that have been examined by Earth-bound scientists.
A form is bound to a specified database table and all data controls within can be used to display and edit the table's columns without writing code or SQL.
"It's nonsensical and expensive to look to traditional hard-bound books when information today is so readily available in electronic form, " Schwarzenegger wrote.
There are actually two types of validation error messages - those generated before the HTML form fields are bound to a class and those generated after the form fields are bound to the class.
It even does all of this asynchronously: changes in the HTML form are bound to the XML model and sent to the server for synchronization.
Electrons and holes injected into the polymer film form bound states called excitons that break down under electrical current, emitting light as they do so.
In superconductors, the bosons are the pairs of bound electrons that form at the Fermi surface.
In this sample application, information from employee table is bound to an XAML form, and when the application is executed, a list box shows all employee IDs.
On submission of the form, the input parameters are submitted to the Logon command URI, which is bound to the LogonCmd interface in the WebSphere Commerce command Registry.
The SupportBean class (in Listing 19) is a simple bean containing several properties that are bound to the elements of the example Web form.
SupportBe an类(见清单19)是一个简单的bean,包含一些和示例Web表单的元素绑定的属性。
The calcium in most supplements is bound to a form of salt called carbonate.
It can also be bound to form elements to allow for a seamless way to enter data and to edit existing data.
No person shall be bound to enter into any contract or binding legal commitment and no monies or other form of consideration is to be accepted on the basis of this Preliminary Prospectus.
By drying and annealing the material, the scientists mainly remove weakly bound water to make the ceramic fibres form a denser structure.
Literature text as an important part of reading teaching, also bound to take the form of dialogue in teaching.
When cultural differences are mentioned in language, they usually exist in the form of culture-bound terms and bring some difficulties at the same time.
Strength as weak, the relevant organs of the organization will be weak, it will have a different focus, it is bound to form a breeding ground for bacteria breeding ground for the virus.
With repeated movement, he noted that the thread of connection strengthened, and after he'd moved the animal's finger hundreds of times they bound together to form an irresistible pathway.
As a special form of knowledge propagation, teaching in class is bound to be restricted by medium.
With the improvement of the world track and field sports technique, it is bound to form its fixed situation.
Certainly the profit distribution of the special cooperative economic organization will also be bound to the restriction of external interests form.
It's not yet the drinking kind. It's not even in liquid form, but it is instead bound up with minerals in lunar dust.
It's not yet the drinking kind. It's not even in liquid form, but it is instead bound up with minerals in lunar dust.