The reversible reaction appeared on grain boundary surface quite markedly.
The equations of loading surface and boundary surface are expressed in strain-energy releasing rate.
For these materials, the real state is that stresses acting on every point of boundary surface are equal.
The paper divides regionally the flow under the ice cover and gives flow conditions of the regional boundary surface.
Here the three dimensional entity boundary is boundary surface mesh, which owns not only geometric property but also topology property.
There is a geological and physical boundary surface between normal pressure zone and overpressure zone in the area where the AHP occurs.
So if you have some region of space S and you call its boundary surface S and you let n be the normal vector that goes out of the region R.
Boundary surface analysis method for workspace of double-octahedron variable geometry truss robotic manipulators(VGTRM) is proposed in this paper.
Crack propagation conducts alternatively between the weld zone and the partially molten zone, and is not strictly to rupture at W/F boundary surface.
Ultrasonic encounter impurities or boundary surface will produce significant reflection form reflex into echo, encounter moving objects can produce doppler effect.
An anisotropic damage model for concrete subjected to compressive fatigue load is developed based on continuum damage mechanics and the concept of boundary surface.
The boundary surface and volume expression of 3-D workspace is addressed byenveloping boundary curves of each plane which are obtained by partitioning 3-Dspace into layers.
A function of distance between initial stress strain point and point at state boundary surface is adopted to simulate stress strain behaviour of soil in condition of small strain.
Based on clustering normal and attack training samples, by defining approaching degree of boundary surface of every clustering center, quadratic expression of standard SVM is improved;
Combined with support vector machine (SVM) algorithm, several common approaches to deal with the unbalanced problem were compared, including majority voting, the moving boundary surface, etc.
And when I am on the curve I am on the boundary of the surface, so there is a direction along the surface that is the curve and the other one is pointing into the surface.
Let's say instead that you are walking on the inside of a cone following the boundary. Well, then the surface is to your left.
Like carbon dioxide, black carbon absorbs sunlight and infrared radiation, trapping heat in the atmosphere — including the boundary layer closest to Earth's surface.
It might be that you will be left to choose the simplest possible surface you can think of that is somehow having this curve as its boundary.
The distribution of solar radiation on dam surface can be computed by the method and accurate thermal boundary conditions of the dam temperature field are obtained.
A design methodology dealing with boundary and local features on the surface model is researched mainly.
The BP neural network used in the temperature characteristic of the boundary film on the screw-nut pairs surface in the wear-self-compensation system was established.
Quad map meshing failed because a surface appears to be narrow with many boundary edges which could not be properly paired up for meshing.
For a good bond, an adhesive must counteract the effect of surface roughness and boundary layers.
Next, in the interior of the patches, surface fitting points and cross boundary derivatives are estimated from the reference curves by constructing virtual iso-parametric curves.
Influence of wall boundary condition on plume impingement effects is finally studied by applying various gas - (surface) interaction modeling.
Compared with bulk materials, nanoscaled materials have many unique properties, such as small size effect, surface and boundary effect, quantum size effect and so on.
The basic equations of the boundary layer for blade surface flow of arbitrary cyclical surface are established, and the rotating effect for boundary layer separation is analyzed.
The basic equations of the boundary layer for blade surface flow of arbitrary cyclical surface are established, and the rotating effect for boundary layer separation is analyzed.