Space from the box to the four sides, the box in box, the rules of the moment is not lost.
This design is inspired by the tile cartons, through the closure of the box, interspersed, overlapping to reflect the "box in box, box and box" space aesthetics.
My lunch box was one of my first prized possessions, a proud statement to everyone in my kindergarten: "l love Mermaid Ariel on my lunch box."
"Who put this box in the middle of the road?" the student said to himself, but he did not try to move the box away.
In the check Disk dialog box, select the Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors check box, and then click Start.
The response will travel all the way through the two JBI servers back to your browser, which will display the response in its text box opposite the request text box.
You can do this manually by entering a trace string in the text box or by clicking a component in the list and selecting a log level from the pop-up box. See figure 15.
In the Connect to server dialog box, click the server that you want in the server type list, type a server name in the server name box, and then click Connect.
In Figure 3, the gear box represents abstractions that deal generically with some fundamental data structure, and the yellow box represents portable code, encapsulating data inside it.
For example, a cascaded parameter could present a customer list in the first list box and the orders for the given customer in a second list box.
Provide a label that labels the combo box by referencing the text field in the combo box.
That is done using ultrasound, which is generated by a box called a pulse-generator that is similar in size to a pacemaker box, but is inserted lower down in the chest (see illustration).
The name on the label of the box never changes, but you can take values out of a box and put new values in as often as you like.
In the instance name dialog box, if the default check box is available, you can install either the default or a named instance.
Let's make a box, and in our box we're going to have a partition.
Box 5 and the corresponding column in Box 6 will show you the fields and columns that you have mapped for your verification.
The "TV control interface" occurs in a white box expansion at this level of decomposition, and thus is treated as a black box.
Rarely would a server be notified immediately after the user selects a check box on the page or marks a selection in a combo box.
这样就不能在用户选择了复选框(check box)或在组合框(combo box)后迅速通知服务器。
A always arranges its content in a common vertical box (the box itself is invisible). Likewise for horizontal elements.
The value you put in the message box appears in the text box in the Flex application.
You can now semi-automatically bind the bean data to the Combo Box by selecting the Combo Box and right-clicking the items bean in the Page data as figure 5 shows.
现在就可以半自动地将bean数据绑定到ComboBox上,方法是选择Combo Box并右击PageData中的items bean,如图5所示。
Another spread out over his coat the cross-belt and cartridge-box of a National Guardsman, the cover of the cartridge-box being ornamented with this inscription in red worsted: Public Order.
To generate fresh ideas we have been told to think outside of the box and then jump back in; vision building destroys the box and builds a new one.
He sits next to a large cardboard box, about seven feet long, sitting on the rollers waiting to go into the furnace. In the box is his brother's body.
(镜头转到在波士顿的官办火葬场里)杰克坐在一个大纸盒旁边 这个大约有两米长被放在一条履带上等着被推进炉里焚化.在盒子里放着杰克的哥哥的尸体.
Similar to line, shapes should be used in moderation if we are to avoid visual friction and the "box-within-box" aesthetic.
I should just keep it in its box and feed it regularly, cleaning out the box when it got too dirty.
I should just keep it in its box and feed it regularly, cleaning out the box when it got too dirty.