In addition to presenting reports from the server, the client also includes ease of use features such as a drop down combo box to select report view types directly in the client.
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For the Context diagram, drag all of the Use Cases and Actors from the appropriate packages, and create a logical grouping (represent the scope) by putting them in the square box, as Figure 19 shows.
Why just use the same old boring wrapping paper. Wrap those gifts in some funny gag gift wrap, and add the laughs to the outside of the box too!
The pages of the Lead Manager application use this general layout, in which the areas enclosed by a red box are the domain-centric components on each page (see figure 3).
Either use the browse button to browse to an existing class, or manually enter a valid class name in the text box.
Select the one you want to use and then type in what you're looking for in the search box.
You can embed a simple dynamic search box and display search results in your own Web pages or use the results in innovative, programmatic ways.
In this example, you will use one box to contain all of the other boxes in your UI.
Can you as part of that email also bring up the VS 2008 about box and use the "Copy Info" button to paste your current VS configuration in the email?
在发邮件的时候,请你打开VS 2008的“关于”对话框,用上面的“CopyInfo”按钮把你的VS配置也附到邮件里。
On the next screen (Figure 6), name the Create DB generalstore and select From the Use DB drop down box, select generalstore and run the script show in Listing 16 and Figure 7.
You can join in with our project by sending us your pictures - the Box on its travels, other containers in interesting or unusual situations, or just good shots of containers in use.
She told the Wall Street Journal that she could use such technology to follow her young child on the way to school by planting an electronic bug in her lunch box or backpack.
Some airlines already use a program that checks 88 flight parameters in the black box.
He learned his name, how to sit and how to use the litter box all in the first week we had him (at 7 weeks old!).
At this point in the process, use case implementation provides a means to identify invalid tests, remove redundant paths, and plan black box testing with no guesswork as to coverage.
However, while exchanging a hash table is easy and supported out of the box, it is only appropriate to use in the most simple of interoperability scenarios.
Use box-quotes to emphasize your key points or the most interesting sentences in your post.
The solution is to use the event callbacks on the search box, as shown in Listing 5.
After using a wizard to allow the user to select which service and port to use from the WSDL description, you see the dialog box shown in Figure 4.
As shown in Figure 26, right-click in the box that maps to the use case and related feature details.
In the Data dialog box shown in Figure 13, select the table that you want to use to generate the report from the tables available in your schema.
I talk more about frameworks and solutions for these types of problems in the appendix when I cover existing frameworks that are available to use "out of the box".
This will get you started on building some aggregations to use in your reports, and it showcases BIRT's ability to extend beyond its out-of-the-box functionality.
现在您可以自行构建一些聚合来在报告中使用,本文还展示了BIRT 延伸到其开箱即用功能之外的能力。
After you finish configuring Shutter (or if you just want to use it out of the box), you can capture an image in one of the following ways.
Scopes can be given any name, but "session" and "request" are provided out of the box for use in web applications.
The easiest way to find pages on a particular topic or product feature in an Information Centers is to use the Search box in the upper-left corner.
Use the Selenium IDE to record the selected action on the combo box provided in Figure 1.
使用SeleniumIDE来记录图 1中提供的组合框上选中的操作。
Use the Selenium IDE to record the selected action on the combo box provided in Figure 1.
使用SeleniumIDE来记录图 1中提供的组合框上选中的操作。