It's not clear whether Myers has experienced a stroke or other brain damage, but she also has a separate medical condition which can result in loose joints, easily bruised skin and other problems.
The most devastating form of brain damage is a condition in which someone is understood to be brain dead.
The most devastating form of brain damage, for example, is a condition in which someone is understood to be brain dead.
A sudden loss of heart working will lead to brain damage within four to six minutes and then death after another five minutes.
Aside from headaches, he showed no signs of lasting brain damage.
The mainstream medical view of autism is that it represents a form of developmental brain damage.
The findings may one day inspire new therapies for patients with brain damage, the team speculates.
My family was told that, if I made it, I'd probably have severe brain damage.
Nor does brain damage, unless it is to the exact part of the brain that controls the soft palate.
Iodine deficiency during pregnancy not only results in brain damage to the fetus, but also in low birth weight, prematurity and increased perinatal and infant mortality.
Bacterial meningitis may result in brain damage, hearing loss or a learning disability in 10% to 20% of survivors.
Bright people who score well on IQ tests, but who have had brain damage that prevents them from feeling emotion, have a problem.
In developing countries, this figure is often close to twice as high due to the higher risk of experiencing conditions that can lead to permanent brain damage.
Another polyphenol, curcumin, has also been shown to have protective effects. It reduces memory deficits in animals with brain damage.
The study helps us understand how memories are assembled in the brain and how different types of brain damage might impair memory, Wang said.
Safe levels of human exposure vary widely, but on top of things like brain damage and birth defects, some have also been linked to cancer.
Lead causes brain damage by mimicking helpful metals found naturally in the body, such as calcium, iron and zinc, and binding with the same molecules and proteins.
The doctors' sense was that the girls fared well, but it remained to be determined whether they suffered any brain damage, said Dr. John Frazee, another neurosurgeon.
Zhou Jianghua’s brother survived the explosion, but suffered severe brain damage from lack of oxygen.
A stroke occurs when blood flow to the brain is decreased or interrupted, causing brain damage and brain cell death.
Severe cases of bacterial meningitis can result in brain damage or death if not treated quickly.
Brought about by brain damage from stroke, head injuries or disease, FAS might be reversible with intensive speech therapy.
Children and pregnant women are most at risk, from high levels of lead, can cause birth defects and brain damage.
It meant that the years spent trying to raise public awareness that iodized salt prevents brain damage in infants were working.
RAZ: How do we know whether a human being would come out of this fully intact or without any brain damage?
Broca's new method was taken up quickly. All sorts of strange neurological symptoms are now explained by specific brain damage.
This was still the man I adored. I knew it was the brain damage that made him out of control.
Such a combined treatment could improve the chances for children who may otherwise die or suffer brain damage.
Yet as the case of Gage and numerous subsequent individuals has shown, the self can plod on, albeit changed, after quite radical brain damage.
Yet as the case of Gage and numerous subsequent individuals has shown, the self can plod on, albeit changed, after quite radical brain damage.