The most devastating form of brain damage is a condition in which someone is understood to be brain dead.
The most devastating form of brain damage, for example, is a condition in which someone is understood to be brain dead.
Brain dead patients could experience a wide range of complications, including diabetes insipidus, poikilothermia and metabolic instability.
However, most transplanted organs come from people who have died or been declared brain dead.
But at times it seems that our players seem to go brain dead and aren't sure what to do with the ball.
A woman would rather be with a man that stimulates her intellectually rather than someone who is brain dead.
For patients who are not brain dead and support is withdrawn, following cardiac arrest organs are harvested.
West Virginia woman in the US woke up after 17 hours showing no brain waves, and so doctors thought she was brain dead.
CONCLUSION: Our study shows an impact for only a limited number of brain dead donor resuscitation parameters on DGF duration.
Heck, that might be the only way to make brain dead people like you appreciate the "work" you do have so you'll quit whining about it.
Overall, though, I have always enjoyed the entire experience though it does leave you "brain dead" and totally in need of rest and recharge.
The authors point out that complex-spontaneous motor movements and false-positive triggering of the ventilator may occur in patients who are brain dead.
About a third of all donated organs are harvested from live donors. Nearly all the rest come from people who have been declared brain dead while undergoing treatment in hospitals.
This result, though preliminary, suggests it might be possible to establish some sort of dialogue with people who had previously been considered all but brain-dead.
As the patient did not meet all the medical criteria for being brain-dead, the doctors were responsible for the patient's comfort during any organ harvesting procedures.
This result, though preliminary, suggests it might be possible to establish some sort of dialogue with people who had previously been considered all but brain-dead. That would be extraordinary.
When members of the Fore people in Papua New Guinea died, others would eat the dead person's brain during funeral rituals as a mark of respect.
Campbell's brain was knocked off loose from his skull and was pronounced dead the next day.
The result is a brain full of dead and dying neurons, and the shutdown of neural connections leads to a drop in cognitive function.
The agency was “brain-dead” for three-and-a-half days, General Michael Hayden, then its director, said publicly in 2002. “We were dark.
A follow up CT scan showed that the dead brain tissue had filled up with blood. As the body digested the dead brain tissue, later scans showed a large hole in the left hemisphere.
Scores of users have developed PML, a devastating brain disease that has left a dozen dead and many more badly and permanently disabled.
A dead multiple sclerosis sufferer's brain walked out of the research institutes to an art gallery's exhibition for the first time in London, arousing public strong condemns.
Eventually a street-cleaning woman stopped to tend to her and get help but the girl was declared brain-dead in the hospital.
Mr Bayh announced this week that he had decided to retire because “brain-dead partisanship” was preventing “the people’s business” from getting done.
It's also a great way to develop new habits, and best of all, it's brain-dead simple.
What it's not doing is providing millions of brain-dead, corner office, follow-the-manual middle class jobs.
What it's not doing is providing millions of brain-dead, corner office, follow-the-manual middle class jobs.