This means their brain power remains undiminished.
Lower brain power means that in effect most people have a much reduced 'reading age'.
Sharing your bed can reduce your brain power - but only if you are a man, say scientists.
'Might the nature of the vegetarians' diet have enhanced their apparently superior brain power?
Whether you are intelligent, or lacking some brain power, you are able to speak one language.
Drinking up to two glasses of red wine a day has also long been thought to improve your brain power.
Scientists have uncovered evidence the sport not only keeps people trim but also boosts brain power.
Naps can boost your brain power, but late afternoon naps can make it harder to fall asleep at night.
Scientists shave uncovered evidence the sport not only keeps people slim but also boosts brain power.
Researchers % who studied thousands of children found a two-year gap to be optimum in boosting brain power.
Unlike the speed of light or the mass of the electron, human brain power is not an eternally fixed constant.
If you really want to help boost brain power, the best solutions can be found with unstructured play, the academy said.
Mankind’s brain power has reached its peak and it is physically impossible for us to become any smarter, scientists say.
Taking dark chocolate is one of the best ways to boost brain power, a new UK book "Teach Yourself Training Your brain" claims.
If your energy dips in the late afternoon, you can choose to do work that is easier and USES less brain power during this time.
BENEFITS: Fights cancer raises good cholesterol boosts brain power helps insomnia and protects against hearing and tooth decay.
No matter what your age, mental exercise has a global, positive effect on the brain. So, here are 22 ways to boost your brain power.
The extent of your vocabulary indicates the degree of your intelligence. Your brain power will increase as you learn to know more words.
NASA built the Pleiades supercomputer in 2008, incrementally boosting its processing "brain power" since to the capacity of 81,920 desktop CPUs.
NASA built the Pleiades supercomputer in 2008, incrementally boosting its processing "brain power" since to the capacity of 81, 920 desktop CPUs.
Holding Knowledge and Brain Power above all else in importance, the INTP will choose to be around people who they consider to be intelligent.
They have disturbed sleep if they share a bed, but tend to get better quality rest when they do drop off and their brain power remains undiminished.
Now a leading neuroscientist says women's brain power is no different to men's after all -and we are actually incredibly similar when it comes to intellect.
It is already known that coffee can help stave off a range of illnesses including prostate cancer, gout and Alzheimer's and may even boost brain power.
Now a leading neuroscientist says women's brain power is no different to men's after all - and we are actually incredibly similar when it comes to intellect.
Although the task is simple and repetitive, to keep providing the right answer demands a fair bit of brain power: people make a mistake about 10% of the time.
Either there are fewer men of higher education for them to marry, or lower-income men feel intimidated by their earning power (as well as their brain power).
Dr Fagan said that the results showed enough of an improvement in brain function to suggest that 3d could play a part in improving brain power in the future.
This is a crucial distinction: as Daniel Kahneman at Princeton University puts it, intelligence is about brain power whereas rational thinking is about control.
Scientists from the University of New Mexico analyzed IQs across the United States and declared that exposure to infectious disease had a huge effect on brain power.