From Founding Fathers to the Latest Brain Scan Research: Spelling Matters!
More on A Five-Minute Brain Scan Tracks Kids' Development and May Spot Disorders
A brain scan: ct scans or MRI scans can show the structure of different parts of the brain.
As with other psychiatric conditions, there is no blood test or brain scan that can diagnose ADHD.
But a brain scan of a teenager with conduct disorder shows no activity when shown the same images.
The specialist who carried out the brain scan thought Tim's chances of survival were still slim.
They were given memory and cognitive skill tests and a brain scan to gauge the extent of their disease.
The researchers then analyzed the brain scan patterns of 16 new subjects, some experiencing pain, some not.
As the brain scan study showed, people did better at learning names when they saw the names ahead of time.
For example, it could help answer the question, "What are the patterns of malignant cells in an MRI brain scan?"
Why some people become enraged by sounds such as eating or breathing has been explained by brain scan studies.
This is significant because it can be picked up by a brain scan and so become a standardised way to diagnose the condition.
You can create an image slice-by-slice in height, and run it as a movie just like a medical image through a brain scan.
He asked them to perform, in their dreams, a simple action whose neurological traces in a brain scan are well understood.
When a man is sitting staring out of a window, a brain scan shows that he is having a conversation with himself - inside his head.
A simple 15-minute brain scan could help doctors diagnose people with autism by identifying structural differences in their brains.
My hands were still tingling, and I was unable to sign my name after my brain scan, because I couldn't remember how to spell it.
Moreover, Brodie told the jury, Dugan's brain scan in 2009 says nothing about what his brain was like when he killed Jeanine Nicarico.
Doing a brain scan might be going a bit far. If you want to know if someone's sociable or not, the best way is to ask one of their friends.
New research suggests it may be possible to tell from a brain scan whether a dyslexic child's reading ability will improve over a few years.
The company that did the brain scan, No Lie MRI, claims their test is over 90 percent accurate, but some scientists and lawyers are skeptical.
进行此项大脑扫描的公司“NoLieMRI ”声称他们的测试的准确性超过百分之九十,但一些科学家和律师对此表示怀疑。
Apparently, the accused parent hired No Lie MRI, headquartered in San Diego with a testing facility in Tarzana, California, to do a brain scan.
显然,被告父母聘请了NoLieMRI公司进行的大脑扫描。No Lie MRI公司总部设在圣地亚哥,测试设备在加州的Tarzana。
At the same time, the researchers observed what was going on inside the mind using a type of brain scan called functional magnetic resonance imaging.
He said the Boston researchers were to be commended for using brain scan imaging technologies to investigate the effectiveness of these techniques.
Then they underwent a brain scan while reviewing the pictures and rated how much each young person in the picture might want to interact with them in return.
The following MRI brain scan is from research conducted by Dr Tonmoy Sharma, head of cognitive psychopharmacology at the Institute of Psychiatry, London, in 1999.
1999年,伦敦“精神病学研究所”(InstituteofPsychiatry)认知精神药理学的负责人托尼·夏尔玛(Tonmoy Sharma)博士指导了一项研究,而下面的这张MRI大脑扫描正是来源于此。
The team has not yet studied the model in this capacity, however; Kay says it is too early to gauge exactly how much information the program can glean from a brain scan.
Breaking a promise is a complex neurobiological event, a new study shows-and a brain scan may be able to predict those who are making false promises before they break their word.
For the study, researchers did memory and brain scan tests on 85 people with mild cognitive impairment who were part of the larger Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative study.
For the study, researchers did memory and brain scan tests on 85 people with mild cognitive impairment who were part of the larger Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative study.