I decided to branch out on my own.
As you make your lists, you'll look for opportunities to branch out and create sublists to multiply your chances of finding humor.
Branch out from familiar reading topics.
After you've accomplished that, you can branch out to other technologies.
Some people branch out from their main job to take on consulting work or teach a course in their field.
However, bear in mind the fragility of this pattern: With two competing synchronization mechanisms, this can get very tricky if you branch out beyond the most basic application of this pattern.
And because learning anything is interconnected with other subjects, it's easy to branch out.
Apple has total control over its products and has been able to branch out to other types of devices beyond desktops and laptops.
The country is an appealing alternative for people looking to travel south of the border and trying to branch out beyond popular places like Costa Rica, she added.
Start with a small segment of your application, and gradually branch out to the rest as time permits.
Plans to branch out to older customers in alliance with Yahoo Japan.
The BJP had pointed to success in Tamil Nadu's neighbour Karnataka in 2008 as evidence that it could branch out southward.
It extends from the lower part of the brain down through spine. Along the way, various nerves branch out to the entire body.
It does this via the spinal cord, which runs from the brain down through the back and contains threadlike nerves that branch out to every organ and body part.
The steps branch out using a fork, and come back together using a join.
Recent efforts to branch out into new areas, such as a re-entry into mobile telecoms using network capacity leased from other firms, have not come to much.
Next time, we'll branch out into a new topic: five things you didn't know about Jars.
Future plans are to develop Spring.NET 2.0 and also to branch out into other areas based on feedback from our users.
我们计划继续开发spring.net 2.0并根据用户的反馈向其他领域进军。
The trees branch out over the river.
Branch out of exception handler block.
To "branch out" means to try new things.
Diverge: to go or extend in different directions from a common point; branch out.
Branch out of exception handler block.
The brain is the most complex organ in the body, containing a hundred billion nerve cells that branch out and make trillions of connections to other neurons, muscle cells and other cell types.
They never branch out into tempting new areas, because they don't want to risk their grade - point average.
They also designed a new wing to branch out from one side, which houses the International Contemporary Sculpture Museum.
Born in Berlin, Germany to two musician parents, Kaifel said he was encouraged to branch out into other subjects so as to avoid the unsteady life of a musician.
Born in Berlin, Germany to two musician parents, Kaifel said he was encouraged to branch out into other subjects so as to avoid the unsteady life of a musician.