Sohu brand advertising results meet expectations.
Based on this, I learned from the perspective of brand advertising for the interpretation of culture.
Brand advertising is inherently about leaving an impression on a consumer, and thus about some sort of exposure.
We believe SINA, as the largest platform for brand advertising, will continue to benefit from the growing market.
Not long ago I saw a car on brand advertising, at the end of time, in the event of a Baidu search box, search box the name of the automobile brand.
But it's interesting that the sample advertisements release for iAd were the same big-brand advertising that we've grown used to seeing on social websites.
Brand advertising is an important enterprise external publicity means consumers visual recognition of the important symbols of the brand image is representative.
The CPM (cost per 1, 000 impressions) business is growing domestically and internationally, and both travel and nontravel brand advertising [car sales etc.] is recovering.
Considering the money that is spent on brand advertising, knowing how your branded search audience differs from that of the competition should be a valuable nugget of information.
Deutsche Bank's intriguing study, I cannot help feeling that, by focusing on relatively short-term increases in sales, it takes an outdated view of the way brand advertising works.
Advertising in aircraft "is a unique way to reach a very affluent customer and allows a brand to differentiate its delivery channel over a competitor, " Thiel says.
Television advertising is important for market entry to establish brand recognition; however, this channel is losing its effectiveness.
Advertising that is relevant, familiar and consistent is what works best at reinforcing a brand in the consumer's mind.
Those estimates don't include less tangible factors like a weaker brand image, litigation risk and possible increase in advertising expenses.
Yet cutting brands shaves operating costs because each brand requires a certain amount of spending on product development advertising, dealer support and other expenses.
Online advertising is part of the overall marketing strategy. Any marketing activity will pay into the brand value or marketing goal, no matter if online or offline.
A free single or free album is free advertising for your live show oryour merchandise or your brand.
For example, catalog upsells and cross-sells, promotions, and advertising are most likely unique to each brand.
Other start-up companies can learn a great deal from the advertising history of this brand and re-use their strategies to hopefully increase the popularity of their own businesses.
The luxury goods brand Louis Vuitton misled the public by suggesting its expensive leather bags were hand-made, according to the British advertising watchdog.
"It's all about advertising and brand building," he said. "That's going to be massive publicity."
All this puts Microsoft in the awkward position of having its brand image defined by a rival-despite its own vast advertising budget, which towers above Apple's.
Analysts say damage to Toyota's brand could require the company to spend on advertising, sales incentives and possible legal bills.
We expect consumer brand building continues to drive rapid online advertising growth.
To safeguard their own profits, advertising firms always insist that any brand can do well during hard times if owners continue to lavish money on marketing.
Advertising indirectly generates revenues for brand owners through the increase in sales revenues that are thought to result from these ads.
Advertising indirectly generates revenues for brand owners through the increase in sales revenues that are thought to result from these ads.