Russian Cossack dancing is followed by break-dancing and an interpretive scarf dance.
Most young people like modern dances, such as rock and roll, the twist, and especially the break dance.
Which was odd, because although there was a bright full moon, there were no clouds in the sky to break up the moonbeams and make them dance so.
In seeing the bigger picture I could give myself a break and begin to forgive my parasitic behavior as well as those who have fed off of me due to the nature of the very difficult dance here on Earth.
It's part of Thrill the world, an attempt by thousands around the globe to break a world record for the most people doing the King of Pop's Thriller dance at the same time.
Just let me rock you till the break of day. (Dance with me.) Got time, but I don't mind.
During ga break, the three good friends start chatting, giving suggestions to each other on their dance steps.
If one wobbles enough, one begins to break apart, and then the false gods can strip one of whatever part of the field or grid work that shatters in the dance.
This is the basketball court players break players in the dance of the cheerleader squad scene …This is the game of basketball players at half…
Although our team are majors in college, but our aim is to break the club that thought: "I can dance?"
Then, in a display of the country's modernity, break dancers and models, who held white orbs over their heads, took to the stage and performed to hip dance music.
1: Dance Like Nobodys Watching: the gang returns to work after the holiday break in the Season 6 opener.
1: Dance Like Nobodys Watching: the gang returns to work after the holiday break in the Season 6 opener.