If you have been avoiding the decision-making process, why not break through that barrier right here and now?
She tried to break through the national barriers that hindered the exchange of ideas among the Spanish speaking peoples of South America.
Mr Golden’s colourful character (parked outside his office is the orange Harley he used to ride around the deck of a carrier he commanded in the Gulf) might break through to disaffected voters.
If you have been avoiding the decision making process, why not break through that barrier right here and now?
KF: How do you break through cravings for unhealthy food, because they really do have a hold on most of us.
In the physical world, for example, burglars can break through a locked door, but they leave evidence in doing so.
Before our global community can answer these questions, we need to break through the culture of make believe and start talking.
I still have those fears, undoubtedly. But now I know that I can beat them, that I can break through that wall of fear and come out on the other side.
People's yearning for, or intuition of, some ultimate meaning continues to break through in many different ways.
The wetter snow associated with warmer temperatures in recent years causes a frozen crust to form over the plants, which the reindeer can't break through.
I think that in order to break through any kind of glass ceiling, or simply to get through the day, you have to become impervious to the daily gruffness that's a part of any job.
I didn't know where to go and how to find courage to break through the barriers that were holding me back.
What if a hacker discovers a vulnerability in the security mechanism that allows him to break through the authentication without the need to know the required user's authentication information?
Its perfume-like packaging should break through the crowded product assortments that can often confound shoppers.
It sounds counterintuitive, but you'll break through their miniscule personal space wall, forcing them to take a step back.
For ammunition to break through, artillery shells need to be hardened by adding certain minerals to the steel.
Our rational mind is not sufficient to instantaneously break through the intricate web of feelings which overcome us when we are wronged.
If that happens, then it is tough to see where Hillary Clinton is going to break through.
How to practice it: Even though it may seem bold, smiling at strangers is the top way to let them know it's safe to break through.
Other medications are added when necessary, typically for shorter periods, to treat episodes of mania or depression that break through despite the mood stabilizer.
It’s a no-brainer. But that makes it hard for new games to break through.
During the spread of cancer these normally healthy mechanisms are coopted by cancer cells, allowing the cancer to break through tissue boundaries and colonize distant tissues.
The trouble in Paris came a day after the torch made a difficult journey through a snowy London, where a protester managed to break through security and momentarily grip the torch.
After several failed attempts to break through the security checkpoints and get to Tahrir Square, we sat in a cafe to rest.
It is becoming clear that people who break through the 90-plus barrier represent a physical elite, markedly different from the elderly who typically die younger than them.
Or do you want to break through the rein of the environment to pursue the freedom for success?
If you’ve already done fifty seven workshops and seminars, and your life and situation is essentially the same, then another break-through program probably ain’t gonna do the trick for you.
If you’ve already done fifty seven workshops and seminars, and your life and situation is essentially the same, then another break-through program probably ain’t gonna do the trick for you.