The task won't feel so overwhelming if you break it down into small, easy-to-accomplish steps.
They mined the rock, artificially break it down and put the Phosphorus into agricultural fertilizers.
Then, break it down into smaller, more manageable tasks.
That's why you have to break it down into manageable tasks.
As it turns out, anything can be figured out if you break it down into simple steps.
As we all know, when we have a big goal, it helps to break it down into smaller pieces.
I was commended on my ability to take information and break it down into usable facts.
I was commended on my ability to take information and break it down into usable facts.
Set up a goal and break it down into smaller steps and tackle it just one step at a time.
Although it's mighty powerful acid, the rubber resists the acid's attempts to break it down.
If you still procrastinate on the task after breaking it down, then break it down even further.
Trees absorb carbon dioxide through their leaves and break it down, releasing oxygen into the air.
OK, this is almost the only lesson you need, but it’s so important I’m going to break it down further.
Let's break it down piece by piece and look at how each of these pieces works with our original script.
A better method is to take the waste in ships far out to sea and let the wind and waves break it down.
This is a rather unhelpful definition, so I'll break it down into smaller parts for a fuller explanation.
Instead of learning for ten hours a week, try to break it down into 30 minute periods a couple of times a week.
Host: I want to break it down to some of the dream scenarios that are common, that people talk about all the time.
When most people work on a complex issue, they like (or need) to break it down into smaller, more manageable issues.
I always find annotations a bit hard to follow, and Listing 2 is no exception, so I'll break it down into manageable chunks.
All right, that wasn't very helpful. It may be better to break it down a little more by item. I'll start with transportation.
When you really think about it - I mean, really break it down - there are 10 reasons why. Some of them work in tandem, some don't.
This excites the molecule into another excited state, from which we can, with another laser light, break it down into two atoms.
Take a quick look at our example chart-generating URL in Listing 3, and then we'll break it down and explain its component parts.
Like cows, they have multiple compartments in their digestive tracts, including one that metabolizes plant matter to break it down.
If anything on that list takes longer than a few hours, break it down into mini-tasks that can get done within a shorter time frame.
If anything on that list takes longer than a few hours, break it down into mini-tasks that can get done within a shorter time frame.
Take that complex task and break it down to its bare essential components and then tackle each one of those components one at a time.
When the task you encounter seems too big, it will be of help to break it down into several smaller and easier subsections to deal with.
When the task you encounter seems too big, it will be of help to break it down into several smaller and easier subsections to deal with.