A person who is allergic to cashews may break out in a rash when he consumes these nuts.
When you have the measles, you break out in spots.
Or some pandemic disease may break out in a heavily polluted area.
Pray that revival will break out in this land, and everyone will come to know the Lord.
That is hard to imagine if this name brand oil's sequelae would break out in the future.
If you are tense or anxious, try a few belly breaths or take a short break out in the fresh air.
In thy world I have no work to do; my useless life can only break out in tunes without a purpose.
I instantly break out in a cold sweat when I feel threatened, even if the threat is not even real.
Lower prices may be manna to consumers, but they can cause economists to break out in cold sweats.
This common skin condition can be exacerbated your face to swell, get red, and break out in little pimples.
You do not have to be a British Eurosceptic to break out in a rash at the very mention of the Lisbon treaty.
You know people who break out in a nervous (swedissly) sweat easily and (start to make turn) whose stomachs churn.
So as to administer a shock and make him break out in a sweat, and then to give him sincere advice on getting treatment.
A possible source of this myth is that some toads have poison glands that make humans break out in a rash that looks like warts.
Farmers at Larsha have taken steps to protect against fires that break out in forests and peat bogs every year in Nizhny Novgorod.
Shopping. I'm not a big shopper, but the thought of not being able to buy anything for a full month makes me break out in sweats.
I fear I may find myself amid the debris of an earthquake one day. Or some pandemic disease may break out in a heavily polluted area.
The simulation experiment and theoretical analysis show that backdraft is able to break out in the underground roadway network fire.
Her condition means that coming into contact with products containing the harsh metal can cause her skin to break out in painful, irritable welts.
Since avian influenza virus was first identified in Italy in 1878, it continued to break out in various countries and led much economical losses.
Herr condition means that coming into contact with products containing the harsh metal can cause her skin to break out in painful, irritable welts.
Also you and others around you get so stirred up that fights, arguments and disputes break out in situations that should have been just good times.
Pray that revival will break out in this land, and everyone will come to know the Lord, and they will be properly discipled in the Way of the Lord.
True, food riots didn't break out in poor countries during 2009 and warehouse stores like Costco didn't ration 20-pound bags of rice... but supply remained tight.
True, food riots didn't break out in poor countries during 2009 and warehouse stores like Costco didn't ration 20-pound bags of rice... but supply remained tight.