The very thought of it can send chills down our spine and can cause us to break out into a cold sweat.
Now a Bristol University dental scientist has discovered that a common bacteria responsible for tooth decay and gum disease can break out into the bloodstream and help blood clots to form.
The act of pouring will generate foam in beer, but even once the beer is poured, dissolved gas, chiefly carbon dioxide, will break out into small bubbles at nucleation sites along the glass wall.
He'd been out of work and he chose to break into a house to get money for his family.
Break big to-do's into smaller to-do's: Let's face it, no matter which way you slice it, "figure out where I stand on religion" (this was actually on my latest to-do list) is not a to-do.
The asset producer must decide whether to place all the artifacts in a single asset, or to break them out into many smaller, but simpler, assets.
As far as organizing the project as whole it never hurts to break out logical chunks into separate files which should be common practice for any language.
But with temperatures today averaging 19c, mosquitos are carrying the disease into high altitude areas and epidemics have begun to break out among humans.
After months of sending out resumes, you finally break into the working world.
But eventually, the black hole consumes enough of the dust that the powerful and brilliant particle jets blasting out from its poles can break into the open.
The auto maker doesn't break out specific results for the China unit, and it plans to consolidate all operations outside the U.S. into the international operations.
We can use a pattern called Double Dispatch to pull out the variation into the subclasses in such a way that we don't break existing interface contracts.
Her condition means that coming into contact with products containing the harsh metal can cause her skin to break out in painful, irritable welts.
His cameras rock and quiver in the shadows before he runs out of story, which makes the decision to break this film into two parts especially indulgent.
Yesterday, we worked out exactly how the hours you spend at work break down into three areas: your living expenses, your debts, and your dreams.
He had almost run out of fuel and was forced to break into a filling station.
Break it all down into time frames of a week, a month, a year and then longer - 5, 10, 20, 30 years out.
So when we write that out, we just write sigma 1 s squared, or we can break it up into its individual parts, there's no reason we can't do that as well.
There isn't a single drug currently on the market that addresses how cancer cells break loose from a primary tumor and get into the vascular system, migrate out, and form a secondary tumor.
麻省理工学院生物与机械工程学塞西尔与艾达·格林(Cecil and Ida Green)杰出教授卡姆说,“市场上没有一种药能说明癌细胞如何挣脱原来的瘤、进入血管系统、迁出并形成继发瘤。
So that nature from all copies of the break out, back into nature, is the new orientation of human civilization!
Violin makers are very into technique, even if they try to break out of the mold, the baroque form comes back automatically.
As it turns out, anything can be figured out if you break it down into simple steps.
My dear Miss Catherine, 'I began, too vividly impressed by her recent kindness to break into a scold,' where have you been riding out at this hour?
An opportunity exists to break into the circle and to begin lifting the country out of poverty.
Some people start to say something while looking right at you, but three words into the sentence, they break eye contact and look out the window.
If someone possessed a lot of my IOUs and then tomorrow tried top break into my best friends home, I would not have any trouble telling that person, get out immediately, or the IOUs are void.
I may break this out into its own mini tutorial later if I have time.
Did he break into my house or not after he was locked out by a court order?
Did he break into my house or not after he was locked out by a court order?