New proposals have been put forward to break the deadlock among rival factions.
European agriculture ministers failed to break the deadlock over farm subsidies.
They called for a compromise on all sides to break the deadlock in the world trade talks.
Everything you've tried has failed to break the deadlock.
He said: 'I'm happy because it was a good cross and helped to break the deadlock.
The Bulgarian scored a spectacular opener and had earlier looked most likely to break the deadlock.
To break the deadlock, the DPRK put forward the proposal of "freezing for compensations" during the talks.
And further forward Andrey Arshavin scored another wonder goal to break the deadlock at Old Trafford.
Talks at the White House to try to break the deadlock over the us national debt have broken up without agreement.
But Mr Mugabe's recent declaration that an election must be held next year offers a fresh chance to break the deadlock.
Talks at the White House to try to break the deadlock over the us national debt have broken up without a GREement.
In mid-July I became convinced that it was necessary to make a major move to break the deadlock in the Paris talks.
In principled negotiation, when you reach a deadlock, you search for objective criteria you can use to break the deadlock.
We are aware that we can break the deadlock at any time, but this is not a good reason for dropping our concentration.
Mr Hatoyama has explicitly presented his plan as a way to break the deadlock in international talks ahead of Copenhagen.
A realistic compromise that can break the deadlock is possible, based on a less strict version of the per capita emissions equity principle.
In early August, however, rebels launched an offensive from the Nafusa mountains, intending to open a new, western front to break the deadlock.
In the past, we have scored to break the deadlock but this year it hasn't happened and this is a problem because breaking the deadlock is decisive.
This paper looks back the previous 20 years of their efforts, discusses the reasons behind, and puts forward several thoughts and ideas that might break the deadlock.
In order to break the deadlock and conduct investigation procedure, reasons for the formation of deadlock must to found and relevant methods shall be adopted accordingly.
None of these initiatives have to date produced results. In mid-July I became convinced that it was necessary to make a major move to break the deadlock in the Paris talks.
Countries threatened by the withholding of virus samples might also pursue high-stakes strategies to break the deadlock, including seeking United Nations Security Council intervention.
The former deputy prime minister, who was involved in negotiating the original climate treaty in Kyoto, says he will present a "Prescott Plan" to break the deadlock between rich and poor countries.
Still the host nation was unable to break a 1-1 deadlock against the gritty Uruguayans and eventually crashed out on penalty kicks, 5-4.
东道主面对顽强不屈的乌拉圭人,始终没有办法打破1 - 1的僵局,并最终在点球大战中5 - 4落败。
The shareholders self-remedy measures are the other important part of legal strategies to break the corporation deadlock.
The shareholders self-remedy measures are the other important part of legal strategies to break the corporation deadlock.