In the colon, microbes synthesise vitamins for us and provide 10% of our calories by breaking down dietary fibre we cannot process.
This energy and building material comes from the breaking down of larger, more complex material, a process called catabolism.
When you swallow food, it travels down your esophagus into your stomach. Here enzymes and acids go to work on the food, beginning the process of breaking the food down.
I thought I would spend this week breaking down how I got to this point. In other words, the process of deciding views, composition, etc.
The process of breaking down the solid food into smaller, simpler and diffusible molecules by the digestive enzymes.
The first step is to add water and fertilizer to the center of the bale everyday for three days, this begins the process of bacteria -- breaking down the straw into a growing medium.
The colchicine is then activated, and the process of breaking down blood vessels and starving the cancerous cells begins.
This energy and building material comes from the breaking down of larger, more complex material, a process calledcatabolism.
This energy and building material comes from the breaking down of larger, more complex material, a process calledcatabolism.