All things being equal, which they rarely are, the higher the cyclical stress level on an aircraft structure, the fewer the number of reversals it can withstand before breaking.
When he plugged that wind-force equation into his model and assumed that the probability of a branch breaking due to wind stress is constant, he came up with Leonardo's rule.
There are many negative ways to deal with stress such as use drugs or alcohol, or breaking things, but these have serious consequences such as health problems, addiction, and legal problems.
Because of bad eating habits, stress and toxins, the villi can become impaired - breaking off or clogging up with glue-like toxic substances.
The paper emphatically analyses the interaction between the wall stress characteristic and coal getting by impact on the longwall face, proposes the work pattern of coal breaking by impact.
The constant creep rate was increased and creep-resistance breaking time and creep breaking elongation were decreased with the increase of applied stress.
Used for testing indexes of polyurethane monofilament, such as breaking tenacity, elongation at break, load at specified elongation, relaxation of stress, plastic deformation, etc.
The results showed the loss rates of stress, initial modulus and breaking work were more than 44%, 65% and 51% after hydrothermal aging test respectively;
The results showed that tensile strength, tensile yield stress and tensile breaking stress were increased with the increase of bore distance;
The wear mechanism of high vanadium high-speed steel is combined micro-cutting and fatigue wear with carbide particle breaking and peeling off under stress.
The number of deflection cycles a contact can be expected to experience without breaking depends on the initial stress level.
The results of monitoring data show that the excess stress and structural defects are the direct causes for the crushing and breaking of horizontal construction joints.
Used for testing indexes of polyurethane monofilament, such as breaking tenacity, elongation at break, load at specified elongation, relaxation of stress, plastic deformation, etc.
The invention relates to a method of measuring a stress wave and to a measuring device and a rock breaking device.
本发明涉及一种测量应力波的方法和测量设备以及岩石破碎设 备。
To design an attachment-retained unilateral distal-extension removable partial denture with a stress-breaking structure and to analyze the stress conduction mode of it under the functional load.
LCD protection: please do not stress or shock LCD, so as not to result in the breaking of TFT-LCD glass.
The cause which result in breaking off gear teeth and vanes touching wall on high load are analyzed, according to the stress status of gear and axle in Root's blower.
The cause which result in breaking off gear teeth and vanes touching wall on high load are analyzed, according to the stress status of gear and axle in Root's blower.