He continued for a length of time that frightened and astonished me - about five minutes, it seemed - ending up by breaking the riding-crop.
But I had midterms, and I was breaking up with my boyfriend, and I was getting three hours of sleep a night and I didn't have time to deal with the kingdom's problems.
You can reduce service time by breaking up the contents of the cart and distributing them across several freely-available checkout counters.
This saves time and energy in breaking up firewood into suitable lengths, and also has the effect of allowing larger and therefore hotter fires.
Rather than tackle the big problem (for example, by breaking up the Banks), they waste their time on populist measures like banning short-selling.
One of them was very avoidant; he had a hard time and got to the point where he was thinking about breaking up.
Seven years is a long time to be unlucky, which may be why people have come up with counter-measures to free themselves after breaking a mirror.
Every time you stop a task to quickly check Twitter or answer a text, you're breaking up your concentration.
However, you can break this project into designing one page or sections of a page at a time, instead of using time as your method for breaking it up.
I want to walk with you hand in hand until the time is end , we promised never breaking up!
Maybe a movie, maybe a handsome boy, maybe breaking up…above of all things may lead me to write something. Generally, my day book can use a lot of time.
But for some unknown reason, this time the sound is very soft, as slight as a strand of silk, breaking off several times before once again picking up the thread.
We felt it while rolling underneath Times Square on the N train, just about the time that the big outdoor party on street level was breaking up.
The former shows the subversion to the traditional ways of narration by crossing the narration, breaking up the time and space and doing away with the character's clue.
The detention time of trains of receivig-breaking-up system in transit is mainly influenced by humping capacity.
At this time a tentacle-like object on the rapid pop-up, attached to John Connor's face. 2 hours later, a shaped body from breaking out of the body of John Connor.
We didn't notice time really flies. In early 2001, I began to wake up and I talked to her about breaking up. She refused and a lot tears were shed between us.
We didn't notice time really flies. In early 2001, I began to wake up and I talked to her about breaking up. She refused and a lot tears were shed between us.