Thanks to a breakthrough technology called Organic Displays, this could soon be reality.
We should certainly increase hybrid ownership, but I believe that hydrogen fuel cells are the breakthrough technology we need.
Technology industries are rife with toxic managers, especially brilliant, warped geeks responsible for creating breakthrough technology.
Breakthrough technology well, for their own use of other technologies to create the conditions, So easy, comfortable shooting or passing.
Investors are prowling for a breakthrough technology-solid state batteries, ammonia fuel cells-that will make energy as cheap and easy to store as gravel.
While still preliminary, the findings offer clear proof that this breakthrough technology could be used in the development of biomarkers for a range of human diseases.
The contest's selection was a powerful indication that San Francisco needed power—and that wave motors were considered a possible breakthrough technology that could get it.
That means that barring a breakthrough technology in electricity storage, wind and solar are likely to contribute only small - that is, single-digit - percentages of our overall energy needs.
But the principal breakthrough with the solid ink technology stems from the overall simplicity of the machine's innards.
The breakthrough has been made possible by the wonders of modern technology, in selecting and arranging the data, in generating the maps, and in presenting the possibilities.
There hasn't been really a significant breakthrough on the technology side from Chinese producers and I don't expect one in the near term.
POWER7 provides a technology breakthrough and can run a larger application workload on the same sized machine (with the same number of sockets or cores).
The TheraSense technology marked a major breakthrough for potentially improving the quality of life of diabetic people.
General Electric has revealed a "breakthrough in digital storage technology" that could mean 500gb discs will be available soon.
German doctors on Wednesday announced a breakthrough in retinal implants, the fledgling technology that aims to restore sight in people cursed by a form of inherited blindness.
When the original TRON was released in 1982, it was a breakthrough not only in how computers were portrayed on screen, but how computers and technology were used in the creation of motion picture.
However, bgC3 will also oversee Gates' personal pursuit of breakthrough ideas in science and technology.
King-taiji company's breakthrough core technology has opened up the field of solar energy in all applications.
Intel claimed a breakthrough in transistor technology by announcing that it was ready to use its 3D Tri-Gate chip, first unveiled in 2002, in high-volume manufacturing.
英特尔公司(Intel)称其在晶体管技术中取得了重大突破——应用三栅级晶体管技术的3D芯片将进入量产阶段。 该技术首次亮相于2002年。
The key breakthrough underlying this new technology came from studies of the natural biosensors inside cells.
IWA is an exciting breakthrough-combining new data warehouse technology with traditional Informix relational database servers-that results in very fast performance.
And narrate by preamble place, it is Chinese Internet not just actually, global Internet needs to there is big breakthrough on technology and research and development.
With the breakthrough of technology, I strongly believe that my dream will come true one day.
So there was a technology breakthrough, let's call it that, that allowed me to switch completely away from film, and I think this happened to a lot of photographers.
We have to rely on science and technology is a major breakthrough in the creation of new social needs, the birth of a new round of economic prosperity.
Combining with the experiment result, we examine the calculation, and call up the foundation research for the breakthrough of key technology.
The use of biological control technology for water purification is emerging in the world, and this technique is a breakthrough.
The software radios technology is a new design idea and frame for wireless communication, and being a breakthrough for the key technology on the field.
The software radios technology is a new design idea and frame for wireless communication, and being a breakthrough for the key technology on the field.