(for a comprehensive discussion of the importance of breast feeding read the McDougall Program for Women).
Georgia said: 'There's no way of really finding out if it's helping but we'll continue as long as I am breast feeding.
The U.S. trails far behind every wealthy nation and many developing ones that have family-friendly work policies including paid parental leave, paid sick days and breast-feeding support.
These results held true even taking into account that many of the women in the study were breast-feeding their babies.
Another study, in Denmark, showed there has been a dramatic fall in the incidence of childhood diabetes since breast-feeding has come back into vogue.
But doctors are reluctant to say anything that might discourage breast-feeding.
The study appears to support the Philippines' decision to limit advertising for infant formula, which can discourage mothers from breast-feeding that provides health benefits for newborns.
I have sympathy with women who say that they can't nurse. I also know that the medical profession is not breast-feeding friendly.
Now, researchers in Britain have found that breast-feeding may not protect infants against developing eczema and other allergic diseases.
"If it's true that breast-feeding infants wake up more often but their mothers don't, there has to be something going on," says Montgomery-Downs.
"We've made quite a bit of progress, " CDC epidemiologist Dr. Celeste Philip, lead author of a CDC report on breast-feeding, said in a telephone interview.
But many women did not stick exclusively to breast-feeding in the first months after birth as recommended by experts, turning instead to baby formula, the report showed.
Alex V. Castro III, executive director of the infant Pediatric Nutrition association of the Philippines that groups infant formula makers, said the association fully supports breast-feeding.
Even among children who had been breast-fed for six months or longer, there was no evidence that breast-feeding prevented eczema or limited its severity.
Maybe breast-feeding moms wake only to latch their babies on, then return to dreamland.
The study also found that the parents' level of education had a positive impact on developing character, as did breast-feeding until six months.
Breast-feeding isn't always easy; it takes some infants and mothers awhile to get the hang of it.
Research conducted by doctors at Cooper University Hospital looked at the "barriers to breast-feeding" and was presented at the American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference.
One area that always provokes angry responses, Roberts says, is the breast-feeding versus bottle-feeding debate.
Breast-feeding presents another challenge.
"Breast-feeding was a normal part of life before a few greedy pharmaceutical companies tried to make it rich selling artificial milk, " he said.
When it comes to breast-feeding, there's good news and bad news.
In the eyes of some, breast-feeding had a stigma attached to it, and it was something that poor people did.
Before using any of these remedies, especially if you have an existing medical condition, or are pregnant or breast-feeding, check with your physician.
But that darker flicker of unease around the breast-feeding grows smaller.
Many of the mothers also cited "misinformation" they received about breast-feeding as a deterrent.
Of course, the researchers could simply be demonstrating the effects of nutrition on male development-or even the effects of breast-feeding.
Of course, the researchers could simply be demonstrating the effects of nutrition on male development-or even the effects of breast-feeding.