Firms need a breathing space if they are to recover.
This delay gives the party a breathing space in which to sort out its policies.
But Israel would gain some breathing space and force Hamas to prove it can actually govern and maintain stability in Gaza rather than heap blame entirely on Israel.
Whether the breathing space thus granted would be used wisely or squandered is another matter.
This way, the garbage collector will obtain more breathing space, decreasing the probability of a full GC.
For best results, all three patterns require openness of the breathing space (the rib cage and abdomen) and fine coordination of several muscle groups.
In particular alternating a technical change with a cultural change gives breathing space for changes to settle in.
Between the walling cassettes and the external cladding (a composite metal panelling system) is a void, literally a 'breathing space', which provides natural ventilation for the Hemcrete.
But Ireland does have some breathing space: it doesn't need to borrow from the bond markets until early next year as it has enough cash to cover immediate needs.
He took the job only after KPN's bank agreed to provide emergency loans to give him breathing space.
Nobody dislikes the idea of better American relations with Russia: it gives us breathing space, says a senior politician in the region.
Even the neighborhood's notoriously high taxes started to level off in 1994 and gave merchants some much needed breathing space.
But creditor Banks have extended the due date on expiring loans to 2012, giving the company breathing space.
If they're still symptomatic, then there is a surgical procedure to alleviate the problem: Make a slit and open the tunnel so the nerve has more breathing space.
A long weekend in the country, perhaps to pick apples and admire foliage, although a simple pastime, would also give you the breathing space you need.
As for us, and ever-rising food prices, there are also a few ways we can buy some breathing space.
Still, the legislature's prompt response to a crisis that had begun to envelop the country (and to terrify euro-zone leaders) appears to have won Italy some breathing space.
A sovereign bailout should provide breathing space to perform a radical restructuring. But a fire sale of Irish banking assets is not the only way to cut the Banks down to size.
First, he persuaded banks to give KPN some breathing space and convinced shareholders to back a rights issue.
However, the reduction of global emissions in 2008 from lower consumption and industrial output might bring some breathing space.
Most women whom I know are not ready to give the breathing space for their partner once when they enter marriage life.
A sovereign bailout should provide breathing space to perform a radical restructuring.But a fire sale of Irish banking assets is not the only way to cut the Banks down to size.
Bankers also say the increased cost of long-term debt is justified when it provides breathing space in a crunch.
Would a reprofiling—an extension of the maturity of debt to give the Greeks some breathing-space—qualify?
Spacers were also used to give a little breathing space to the radio buttons.
By making these executive decisions yourself, you're giving your team some breathing space, or simply just the space they need to get their work done.
Set against that, fund raising by China's leading banks is still small. For sure, the relative health of their balance sheets leaves Chinese banks with some breathing space.
Allow red wines to 'breath' slightly, white wines do not require any breathing space.
This gave Singapore and Malaysia breathing space to build up their own armed forces, while under some protection from British air defences.
Easy-flowing conversation Value small talk: It's a good way of warming up for a more interesting conversation and provides a breathing space to relax.