Metzger adds that the inner workings of the chip, known as its instruction set, have not yet been disclosed, making it difficult to know if or how any x86 patents may have been breeched.
Metzger还表示,Godson - 3的内部工作方式也就是指令组还没有公布,所以很难弄清有多少x86的专利被模仿了。
Metzger adds that the inner workings of the chip, known as its instruction set, have not yet been disclosed, making it difficult to know if or how any x86 patents may have been breeched.
Metzger还表示,Godson - 3的内部工作方式也就是指令组还没有公布,所以很难弄清有多少x86的专利被模仿了。