Is software project management really more like managing a movie production than it is like managing the construction of a bridge?
This is as true for portfolio management as a discipline as it is for bridge construction or silver smithing, which are also disciplines.
The paper introduced the cause of concrete bridge crack for prevention, control and management in the construction.
Road and Bridge construction site management is the core of construction management, site management effectiveness directly impacts project quality, progress and efficiency.
It analyses the factors that affect the bridge construction, concentrates on the importance of construction management, and presents the construction control system in details.
It is primarily through conforming to construction plan and exercising strict management that thermal bridge are usually handled.
In this paper, the key issues in the management of road and bridge construction are analyzed and discussed.
The author on how to strengthen the construction and management of road and bridge projects put forward a number of insights.
According to the current management situation of highway and bridge construction projects in our country discussion is made on how to realize the project maximum benefit and given the measures.
With development of it, it must have academic meaning and practical value on construction management of bridge.
Finally, the construction management control of the cable-stayed bridge, such as control program, control aims, error control and the usage of monitor machine are introduced.
Students may develop a career in design, construction and management of Road and Bridge engineering, planning and research as well.
Abstract: : on the road and bridge construction projects, management is the core part of project construction, a direct impact on project progress and project quality.
Abstract: : With the increasing of competitive pressure of road and bridge construction market, cost control has become an important enterprise management content.
Abstract: : With the increasing of competitive pressure of road and bridge construction market, cost control has become an important enterprise management content.