Bridget O'Hanlon and her husband, who live in Cleveland, decided before their daughter was born that they would not post her photos online.
Bridget: I didn't play netball. Or go to a girl's school. Or have showers.
Bridget: Maybe this was the mysterious Mr. Right I'd been waiting my whole life to meet.
Although exhausted, Bridget couldn't turn off her mind. She tossed and turned, unable to sleep.
Their candidate, Bridget Fox, is out knocking on doors every night, with a large team of volunteers.
Bridget: Ah. Apart from the smoking and the drinking and the vulgar mother and the verbal diarrhea.
Bridget explained: 'it was when you were telling me that Gordon was the killer. I couldn't believe it.
Bridget: Excuse me? I've already cleaned the house and prepared dinner! What more do you want from me?
'Bridget explained:' it was when you were telling me that Gordon was the killer. I couldn't believe it.
Bridget Jones: You have a nice car. And - quite nice manners, outside the bedroom. But that's about it.
Bridget Pickett, who spoke to reporters at the Wilshire Division police station, where Brown was booked.
She and a group of friends saw pictures of Bridget Bardot sporting this strange new garment in Cannes in the 1950s.
Using narrow vertical pictures, our ace designer Bridget Tisdall somehow made it look as if they were behind bars.
使用窄的垂直的图片,我们的王牌设计师Bridget Tisdall以某种方式使其看起来好像他们都身陷囹圄。
Bridget built bigger Bridges than Barbra, but the Bridges Barbra are built are better than the Bridges Bridget built.
Smith’s 2004 sci-fi flick “I, Robot” — co-starring Bridget Moynahan as a sort-of love interest — grossed $347 million.
史密斯2004年与布丽姬·穆娜(BridgetMoynahan)合演的科幻片《我,机器人》(I, Robot)获得了3.47亿美元的票房。
It often "co-creates" products with customers, says Bridget van Kralingen, the firm's general manager for North America.
它常同客户“共同开发”产品,IBM北美区总经理布里吉特•范克拉林金(Bridget vanKralingen)如是说。
Bridget: That all sounds amazing. But what can you do to help? You are only one person. Can you really make a difference?
Bridget knew this was true, but she also knew cancer ran in her family - not only her mother had it, but two aunts as well.
But according to a study, romantic comedies such as Bridget Jones's Diary and Notting Hill could be bad for your love life.
Bridget grew up in a small town. During her growing-up years she felt like a piece of furniture, moving from place to place.
The British film Lady Godiva is a romantic comedy shot set in modern day Oxford in the vein of Notting Hill and Bridget Jones.
英国电影《戈黛娃夫人》是一部拍摄于NottingHill和Bridget Jones之间现代牛津的浪漫喜剧。
In the end we came up with a solution that, we hoped, allowed room for both the Mrs Dalloways and Bridget Joneses of this world.
Bridget was brought to the U. s. 17 years ago by McCain's wife after she saw the girl in an orphanage run by Mother Teresa's nuns.
"As stereotype would have it, " writes Bridget Murray-Law, "Nagging from women is the main reason men ever get their health checked out.
Bridget Murray-Law写到:“由于很多男人思想比较顽固,他们之所以去做健康检查都是迫于女人的唠叨。”
Waiting on the river in Dawson was a Cornishman, Dorian Amos. Ten years ago, he and his wife, Bridget, a Canadian, chose the Yukon as home.
On Tuesday night, a spokesman for the Bridget Jones and About a Boy actor confirmed the news but declined to say who the baby’s mother was.
本周二晚,休•格兰特的发言人证实他晋升奶爸,但拒绝透露孩子母亲是谁。 格兰特曾出演《BJ单身日记》和《单亲插班生》。
Soviet rule, it is easy to forget, only came to an end 16 years ago, but the Baku of Ali and Nino is still, just, recognisable. Bridget keenan.
Bridget: it was, as usual, crammed full with some of the most dangerous perverts in the UK, disguised as close, personal friends of my parents.
Bridget: it was, as usual, crammed full with some of the most dangerous perverts in the UK, disguised as close, personal friends of my parents.