Social isolation poses more health risks than obesity or smoking 15 cigarettes a day, according to research published by Brigham Young University.
All the dancers are students from Brigham Young University-Hawaii Campus.
A new study from Brigham Young University says that the onset of physical disability boosts marital happiness.
A report from Brigham Young University shows only 36 percent of babies are breast-fed through six months.
Brigham Young大学的一项报告称,只有36%的婴儿有六个月的母乳喂养期。
Steve Young is a graduate of Brigham Young University, which is named for his great-great-great-grandfather.
Sarah Coyne, a psychologist in the School of Family Life at Brigham Young University who led the study tells shots.
But researchers at Brigham Young University found that children ages 11 to 16 who play video games actually behave better.
Jeffrey Hill, a professor in the School of family Life at Brigham Young University and a long-time researcher on work-family issues.
Team members from Brigham Young University do a final check of their rover before starting one of the competition tasks on Friday, June 4.
6月4日,星期五,杨百翰大学(Brigham Young University)代表队的参赛选手们正在比赛竞技项目开始前对他们的漫游者进行最后调试。
Researchers at Brigham Young University and Colorado State University have found that your TV, radio, and computer are making you fat.
Researchers % at Brigham Young University and Colorado State University have found that your TV, radio, and computer are making you fat.
The prospect of a large surplus of single men in China alarms Valerie Hudson, a professor at Brigham Young University in the United States.
A professor at Brigham Young University created the Virtual ChemLab in 2003, and it now serves 150,000 high school chemistry students across the country.
Of course, having siblings can still be a positive experience, said Laura Padilla-Walker, a Brigham Young University researcher who studies sibling relationships.
当然,据研究兄弟姐妹关系的杨百翰大学的研究者劳拉. 帕迪拉.沃克说,有兄弟姐妹仍然是一种很好的经历。
Professor Dean Busby of Brigham Young University had studied 2,035 married people ranging in age from 19 to 71, married from less than six months to more than 20 years.
Researchers at Brigham Young University have found that teenagers who grow up with parents who are either too strict or too indulgent tend to binge drink more than their peers.
Professor Dean Busby of Brigham Young University had studied 2,035 married people ranging in age from 19 to 71, married from less than six months to more than 20 years. Dr.
A city of north-central Utah south-southeast of Salt Lake City. It was settled by Mormons in1849 and is the seat of Brigham Young University(established1875). Population, 86, 835.
With previous studies into the existence of baby brain providing mixed results, the team from Brigham Young University in Salt Lake City set out to come up with a definitive answer.
The hair-pulling defender has become an Internet sensation after being seen hitting, kicking and, in one instance, pulling an opponent down by her hair during a game against Brigham Young University.
Alan Hawkins, a professor of family life at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, says there's a lot of research on factors that predict divorce but "virtually no research on the thinking process."
Alan Hawkins是犹他州普罗沃杨百翰大学家庭生活学的教授。他说迄今为止有很多关于导致离婚因素的研究,但“实际上没人研究出离婚的整个考虑过程。”
Researchers at Brigham Young University studied women who seemed to have no major body image issues, based on a standard psychological assessment. This group was supposed to be the healthy controls.
A recent study from Brigham Young University School of Family life reported that parents who spend more time playing video games with their kids have much stronger real-life relationships with them.
Graduate Grant Adamson, of Rice University in the United States, cracked the words on the document after being assigned the task in 2011 during a summer institute at Brigham Young University in Utah.
Graduate Grant Adamson, of Rice University in the United States, cracked the words on the document after being assigned the task in 2011 during a summer institute at Brigham Young University in Utah.