At the start of the boxing match, the boxer yelled at his opponent to bring it on.
Bring it on, say budget hawks: such a stalemate would mean reverting to the level of the 2010 budget.
Shop Assistant: Thank you, Sir. Here is your receipt. Please bring it on Friday to pick up your cake.
What kinds of balance changes do you think need to be made to the arms tree to bring it on par with other classes?
Cancer is among the top killer diseases in our society today and scientists have found out that stress helps to bring it on.
High heels will always have their place in the office, but if we can get the same job done in a pair of trainers then bring it on.
When folded, the mouse is very compact, but after bring it on a war footing it takes the form of an arch, which is very positive impact on ergonomics.
Once we have created an object in our PHP code, we can serialize it, export it to the Ajax portion of the application, manipulate it, and bring it on back.
"Dead or alive," "bring it on," "either you're with us or you're against us" : the tenor of official rhetoric in the ensuing years embodied a kind of desperate machismo.
The Sun says Sir Alex Ferguson roared 'bring it on' at the thought of facing an English side in the Champions League last eight. "It could well happen - and I would really enjoy that, " he said.
For this part — and for all the "bring it on" bravado of his speech, and the cocooned defiance of his conference — Mr. Cameron would surely prefer Mr. Brown to "bottle it", as Mr. Osborne put it.
It is the effect on US power and thus on all of us that Richard Haas wants to bring to our attention.
Some people blame that technology will bring harm to us. In fact, the effect technology brings to us mostly depend on the way people use it.
There is a whole area here on the main floor where you can bring a laptop and plug it in for power but on top of that we also have a connection for the internet at every seat.
Technology on its own will not bring reform, but it can make changes easier, cheaper and more effective.
What we have received is so beautiful and so rich that we cannot hold it for ourselves but feel compelled to bring it to every human being on earth.
Nonetheless, the parliamentary spectacle is a daily reminder that Myanmar is embarking on a new era, even if few can agree on what it might bring.
It will bring in the Platinum Ray on the 11-11-11 and this opens the Crysto Discs.
The flowers fell thick on the ground as if the spring wind were also sad about it and would not bring itself to blow on them and left them scattered everywhere.
The Come-on: It will bring us closer together.
The planet is supposed to be enormous and on an orbital path that will bring it close to Earth soon.
I think Professor Jones might find it expedient to bring a volunteer like me on his trip.
I remember seeing it on my desk this morning, but I didn't remember to bring it with me.
The tribes here are very strong. It would bring great shame on you to arrest your cousin.
Imagine. Invest the time it takes to reach out for your dreams; it will bring you happiness that no money on earth can buy.
Imagine. Invest the time it takes to reach out for your dreams; it will bring you happiness that no money on earth can buy.