To find the reason why a drill might bring on a racing heart, Karibe divided the volunteers into low fear and high fear groups based on how much they feared a trip to the dentist.
Even seeing an act of kindness can bring on more ACTS of kindness.
These eye drops can bring on asthma symptoms, including cough.
Your eyes will not see all the disaster I am going to bring on this place.
The Blackberry sports a great game simply called Chuck Norris: Bring on the Pain.
Taking a hot shower or bath before bed helps bring on sleep because they can relax tense muscles.
Macy's (M) plans to bring on 78, 000 people for the holidays, a 4% increase over last year's holiday hiring.
梅西百货(Macy ' s)则计划为圣诞节招聘78,000名新员工,这一数字比去年增长了4%。
Way back when Rogue Amoeba was nearing its third birthday, we were excited to bring on our first employee – Mike Ash.
It's much more flexible than a traditional laptop case, and has enough room for everything I'd hoped to bring on my six month trip.
Focusing on relationships rather than material items will bring on a feeling of warmth and closeness, so you benefit both ways.
Bring on the Bling: in the custom auto industry, the word dub conjures up images of tricked-out cars, big wheels and celebrities.
So despite what you read from me here or on Zen Family Habits I'm not perfect, I don't live in a "bring on a photo shoot" ready home.
Overnight delivery and luggage forwarding services are also an option if you have a lot of materials or samples to bring on a business trip.
The first is to start small, bring on early adopters, demonstrate the application's value, and move gradually towards global deployment.
After looking at the biological aspects of runner's high we looked at the environmental stimulus that may bring on a heightened feeling of happiness.
Serious medical conditions like heart disease, cancer, and HIV can contribute to depression, partly because of the physical weakness and stress they bring on.
Plentitube also is trying to raise several million dollars in venture capital and bring on some more seasoned executives to round out its management team.
The company owners have fallen for her charm and image, but I am wondering if there is anything I can do to unseat her and bring on an early departure before she ruins the company.
If writing articles, editing video, doing HTML coding, searching the Internet, interacting with friends in the social media sphere, and taking breaks whenever I want, then please - bring on more work!
The only way they can bring about political change is by putting pressure on the country.
He had to bring forward an 11 o'clock meeting so that he could get to the funeral on time.
The weather is usually warm and sunny during these months so remember to bring some sun protection, especially on hot days.
The bride said, "Run first, and bring me my garland that is hanging on a willow in the garden."
The student felt that his failure would bring shame on his family, but in fact there is no shame in failing.
I came away thinking that maybe we could work this out and that if Carl or any other directors had any good ideas, they should bring them on.
Lift him up tenderly, place him on the silken cushions of the coach, and bring him here to me.
God can turn a misdeed to the good of the injured person and bring trouble on the offender.
God can turn a misdeed to the good of the injured person and bring trouble on the offender.